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书名 | 地球科学概论(第2版高等学校教材) |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-天文地理 |
作者 | 吕洪波 |
出版社 | 中国石油大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 吕洪波编著的《地球科学概论(第2版高等学校教材)》是为地学类相关专业编写的地质学基础课程双语教学用书,在前一版的基础上进行修订完善。包括宇宙与行星地质学、元素与矿物、岩浆作用与火成岩、外力地质作用与沉积岩、变质作用与变质岩、地质年代和地球演化史、地震与地球层圈、地壳运动与地质构造、海底扩张与板块构造学、风化与剥蚀作用、河流及其地质作用、冰川与冰川作用、地下水及其地质作用、海洋地质作用与海洋地质学、湖泊与沼泽、风与荒漠、块体运动、人类生存与地球环境等内容。全书内容丰富、图文并茂、趣味生动,力图让读者轻松步入地学新天地。 作者简介 吕洪波,男,1957年生于内蒙古赤峰,1978年考入南京大学地质系,1985年于南京大学硕士研究生毕业后留校任教,1998年在南京大学在职博士毕业。先后在苏丹喀土穆大学(1994—1995年)和加拿大(1999—2002年)工作及生活多年,2002年起受聘于中国石油大学(华东),任地质系教授。主要从事构造地质学、沉积学、海洋地质学、第四纪地质学、地学科普等领域的科研和教学工作,具有丰富的野外地质工作经验,在藏北羌塘地区、西北荒漠地区、内蒙古草原区、青岛海岸带、东北冻土带、撒哈拉沙漠无人区、北美西海岸地区进行过多次实地考察,在软沉积物变形构造、苏鲁造山带、中国东部第四纪冰川地貌研究等方面有独到见解。已在地学相关杂志上发表学术论文60余篇,担任《地质论评》和《特种油气藏》编委以及多种地学学术刊物审稿人。 目录 Chaper 1 Introduction to Earth Sciences 1.1 Earth Sciences and Some Related Concepts 1.2 How to Be a Qualified Geologist? 1.3 The Hardship and the Pleasure of Geologists Chaper 2 Universe and Planetary Geology 2.1 The History of Universe Exploration 2.2 Members of the Solar System 2.3 Amazing Regularities in the Solar System 2.4 The Origin of the Solar System 2.5 The Earth's Shape Chaper 3 Elements and Minerals 3.1 The Elements in the Crust 3.2 Minerals and Their Properties 3.3 Common Minerals and Rock-Forming Minerals Chaper 4 Magmatism and Igneous Rocks 4.1 Magmatism 4.2 Eruption and Extrusive Rocks (Volcanic Rocks) 4.3 Intrusion and Intrusive Rocks 4.4 Major Igneous Rocks 4. 5 Other Concepts Chaper 5 Exogenic Processes and Sedimentary Rocks 5.1 External Process 5.2 Basic Characteristics of Sedimentary Rocks 5.3 The Texture of Sedimentary Rocks 5.4 Sedimentary Structure 5.5 Common Sedimentary Rocks Chaper 6 Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks 6.1 Basic Concept of Metamorphism 6.2 Controlling Factors of Metamorphism 6.3 Composition, Texture and Structure of Metamorphic Rocks 6.4 Major Types of Metamorphism 6.5 Major Metamorphic Rocks 6.6 Metamorphic Facies 6.7 Rock Cycles Chaper 7 Geological Time and the Earth's Evolution 7.1 Relative Time 7.2 Radiometric Time (Dating) 7.3 Geological Time Scale 7.4 How to Understand and Memorize the Geologic Time Scale? 7.5 Important Index Fossils Used in Biostratigraphy Chaper 8 Earthquakes and the Earth's Solid Spheres 8.1 What is an Earthquake? 8.2 Earthquake Distributions and Effects 8.3 Earthquake Prediction and Mitigation 8.4 Earthquake and the Earth's Interior 8.5 Gravity and Isostasy of Crust Chaper 9 Crust Movement and Geological Structures 9.1 Acting Force and Deformation of Rocks 9.2 Fold and Fracture 9.3 Geologic Contact Relationships 9.4 Tectonics and Something Important in the History of Geology Chaper 10 Seafloor Spreading and Plate Tectonics 10.1 Continental Drift 10.2 Seafloor Spreading 10.3 Plate Tectonics Chaper 11 Weathering and Erosion 11.1 Basic Definitions of Weathering and Erosion 11.2 Factors Influencing Weathering and Erosion 11.3 Types of Weathering 11.4 The Products of Weathering 11.5 Special Weathered Structures 11.6 Weathering Landforms Chaper 12 Rivers and Their Geological Processes 12.1 Basic Concepts and Features of Rivers 12.2 The Erosion of Rivers 12.3 The Transportation of Rivers 12.4 Sedimentation of Rivers 12.5 Longitudinal Profile and Base Level 12.6 Drainage System Chaper 13 Glaciers and Glaciation 13.1 Glaciers 13.2 Glacial Erosion and Erosion Landforms 13.3 Glacial Deposition and Related Landforms 13.4 Periglaciation and Permafrost 13.5 Glaciation and Global Change 13.6 Quaternary Glaciation in the East of China Chaper 14 Groundwater and Its Geological Processes 14.1 Hydrologic Cycle 14.2 Groundwater and Water Table 14.3 Movement of Groundwater 14.4 Porosity and Permeability 14.5 Aquifers and Aquitard 14.6 Changes in the Groundwater System 14.7 Geologic Processes of Groundwater Chaper 15 Ocean Processes and Marine Geology 15.1 Major Characters of Oceans 15.2 Marine Agents and Their Geologic Processes 15.3 Marine Sedimentation 15.4 Sea Level Fluctuations and Global Change 15.5 Oceanography and Marine Geology Chaper 16 Lakes and Swamps 16.1 Basic Concepts and Processes Related to Lakes and Swamps ... 16.2 Lake Database of the World 16.3 Lake Database of China 16.4 Origin and Types of Lakes 16.5 Lakes and Human Environment 16.6 Additional Reading Chaper 17 Wind and Desert 17.1 Sediment Transportation by Wind 17.2 Wind Erosion and Erosion Landforms 17.3 Wind Deposition and Deposition Landforms 17.4 Desert Di |
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