A pop-up adaptation of the Dr. Seuss classic There's a Zamp in My Lamp
Do you ever have the feeling that there's a zamp in your lamp? You will when you open to the first page of this story! Flaps, wheels, and slide tabs let kids spring the woset from its closet, slide the vug under the rug, and help the yottle squirt from his bottle in this sturdy, interactive book.
“A welcomed tool for the nursery school teacher, the reading specialist, and the home-schooling parent . . . The interactive tabs, which allow the Seussical creatures to appear and disappear on every page, make it intriguing and fun for the younger reader. . . . Adapted from There's a Wocket in My Pocket! the story is part of the Bright and Early Playtime Book series. Large print, easy vocabulary, and bright illustrations will make it a child's favorite to be read repeatedly.”—Children’s Literature