内容推荐 孙萌涛、林炜铧、梁文杰著的《等离激元-激子相互作用--原理和应用》从原理和应用两个方向展开,详细介绍了多种环境中的等离激元驱动催化反应和等离激元激子耦合驱动催化反应。主要可分为以下部分:基于表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)的等离激元驱动催化反应在大气和液相中的机理和应用、基于针尖增强拉曼散射(TERS)的等离激元驱动催化反应在高真空中的机理和应用、等离激元激子耦合相互作用的物理模型和特性研究、等离激元激子耦合驱动催化反应在电化学液相中的应用,以及光电协同调控下的耦合驱动催化反应。通过介绍大量经典研究案例,结合相应理论计算与模型简介,深入浅出地介绍了等离激元激子相互作用的意义与发展前景。 本书适用于有一定理论基础的物理学本科生和有光学相关研究经历的研究生和科研工作者。 目录 CHAPTER 1 Introduction References CHAPTER 2 PlasmonDriven Chemical Reactions Based on SERS in Atmosphere 2.1 Brief introduction 2.2 Plasmondriven oxidation reactions 2.2.1 Genuine SERS spectrum of PATP 2.2.2 Experimental and theoretical investigations of plasmondriven oxidation reactions 2.3 Plasmondriven reduction reactions 2.4 Priority between plasmondriven oxidation and reduction reactions References CHAPTER 3 PlasmonDriven Surface Catalytic Reactions Monitored by Electrochemical SERS in Liquid 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Designed apparatus 3.3 Plasmondriven reduction reactions in liquid 3.3.1 Laserintensitydependent 3.3.2 Potentialdependent 3.3.3 LSPRdependent 3.3.4 pHdependent 3.4 Plasmondriven oxidation reactions 3.5 Priority between plasmondriven surface catalytic reactions in liquid References CHAPTER 4 PlasmonDriven Surface Catalysis Reactions Monitored by TERS in High Vacuum 4.1 Introduction of TERS 4.2 Brief history of TERS 4.3 Setup of TERS 4.4 Plasmondriven surface catalytic reactions References CHAPTER 5 PlasmonExciton CoDriven Surface Catalytic Reactions 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Mechanisms 5.2.1 Free space spontaneous emission 5.2.2 Spontaneous emission in cavities 5.3 Femtosecond absorption 5.4 Applications References CHAPTER 6 PlasmonExciton CoDriven Catalytic Reactions Based on Electrochemical SERS 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Plasmonexciton codriven reduction reactions 6.3 Plasmonexciton codriven oxidation reactions 6.4 The priority in the plasmonexciton codriven catalytic reactions 6.5 Conclusions References CHAPTER 7 ElectroOptical Synergy on PlasmonExciton CoDriven Surface Reduction Reactions 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Properties of electrooptical device 7.2.1 Optical measurements 7.2.2 Electrical measurements 7.3 Plasmonexciton codriven surface reduction reactions 7.3.1 Laser intensitydependent surface reduction reactions 7.3.2 Biasvoltagedependent surface reduction reaction 7.3.3 Gatevoltagedependent surface reduction reaction References Acknowledgements