内容推荐 源自培生教育出版集团的经典英语启蒙读物,在美国被各州被广泛使用,拥有良好的口碑。Carolyn Satoh、Nikki Chase、Lisa Walston、Zak Belahmira、Najeeb Khan等著的《培生英语阅读街(附光盘幼儿版K2共36册美国幼儿园语言启蒙经典教材)》每个级别包含各种阅读的题材,包括虚构的故事、非虚构类的科学、社会、数学故事等,堪称少儿英语阅读大百科。 目录 Eat together At school Work Play Ride to town At the toy store Tam in the garden Tam and Sam look around Tam and Sam at the zoo Winter fun A house for pip For tim Pam Tap! Rap! Bam! with me Pam at bat Red fans Mom the tot Rob's dots A day to play Our musical adventure A home for flap Five bus stops The red sleds We get set Jan and Jem win! Our boat Our pup bud Bud likes mud The big jazz band Quinn can do it! Max and Jane Fix the big box Go camping A busy day Build a home Where do animals live?