内容推荐 2017年6月,由上海交通大学极地与深海发展战略研究中心、海洋法治研究中心主办了“法律与治理:极地研究新动态”国际学术研讨会。薛桂芳,何柳主编的《法律与治理--极地议题的新进展(英文版)》是会议论文的集结。 本书指出,在经济全球化进程中,随着全球气候变暖和极地海冰的快速消融,国际极地事务日益复杂。北极地缘政治、生态环境、社会人文及其与世界其他地区的关系正在发生显著改变,北极航道、油气资源的开发与利用也已进入实质性准备期;南极地区出现的一些新议题,例如南极旅游、大陆架划界纷争,对南极条约体系构成了潜在的挑战。因而,本次研讨会将围绕极地研究国际前沿,深入探讨正在发生的快速而深刻变化的极地法律与政治形势。 目录 Editors' Note & Acknowledgements Part 1: Polar Governance and Regime Challenges Conservation Law in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean:the Antarctic Treaty System, Conservation and Environmental Protection Arctic Epistemic Communities in Global Governance In What Way the Arctic Council can Contribute to the Achievement of UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals? Part 2: New Dynamics and Emerging Issues Impacts of Climate Change on Land, Aquatic and Marine Resources in the Barents European Arctic Region Industrial Development in Arctic: the Growth Potential or a Threat to the Indigenous Peoples of the North? Part 3: Climate Change Impact and Arctic Shipping Climate Change and Arctic Security: an Inter-Face Between High Politics and Soft Cooperation The Right of Arctic States to Regulate Shipping in the Exclusive Economic Zone NORDREG, the Law of the Sea and a Changing Climate Part 4: State Practice and International Cooperation Russia's “Smart Power” Foreign Policy and Antarctica The Arctic Narratives-Storylines Framing by the U. S. Securitizing Actors The Northwest Passage: The Consistency of Canada's Legal Framwork With the UNCLOS Part 5: Resources Conservation and Sustainable Development MSC Certification of Southern Ocean Fisheries: Process, Outcome and Impact Researching the Development of Mineral Resources in Greenland and China's Participation Renewable Energy in the Arctic and the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples:Past, Present and Future Experiences of the Sami People Part 6: China's Polar Policy and Potential Role Implementing International Maritime Organization's Polar Code: Prospects for Sino-Russian Cooperation China's Strategic New Frontiers and the Existing Rules-Based Global Order: Here be Dragons in the Polar Regions Beyond A Tool for Short-Term National Interests: China's Polar Science Diplomacy Revisited