内容推荐 中国南海研究院著的《日本军力报告(2018)(英文版)》系统梳理了二战后日本防卫政策演变、军力建设及发展情况,包括日本海、陆、空自卫队的人员数量,各型战机、舰船等攻防装备等情况。 目录 Chapter I Evolution of Japan's Defense Policy I. Japan's Defense Policy after the Second World War II. Adjustment of Japan's Defense Policy since the End of the Cold War Chapter II Japan's Military Forces and Their Deployment I. Defense Expenditures II. Authorized Strength III. Chain of Command IV. Force Structure V. Armaments VI. Military Bases and Force Deployment VII. Potential Nuclear Capability VIII. Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMD) IX. U.S. Military Deployment in Japan Chapter III The Japan-U.S. Alliance and Bilateral Security Cooperation I. Evolution of the Japan-U.S.-Alliance (1951-2011) II. Current State of the Japan-U. S. Alliance III. Future Trends in the Japan-U.S. Alliance IV. Bilateral Security Cooperation between Japan and Other Countries V. Japan and Indo-Pacific Strategy Chapter IV Military Activities I. Close Surveillance of Neighboring Maritime and Air Space II. Continued Strengthening of Control over the Diaoyu Islands III. Exercises and Training IV. Routine Responses to Ballistic Missile Threats V. Overseas Military Operations Chapter V Defense Relations between China and Japan I. Existing Mechanisms of Security Contact and Dialogue between China and Japan II. Air and Maritime Encounters in Recent Years III. Active Role of China-Japan Air and Maritime Liaison Mechanism in Developing Bilateral Defense Relations IV. Impediments to and the Outlook for China-Japan Defense Relations