1 Introduction
2 Generalized metrizable properties and cardinal invariants in paratopological and semitopological groups
2.1 First-countable paratopological groups and quasitopological groups
2.1.1 First-countable paratopological groups
2.1.2 First-countable quasitopological groups
2.2 Submetrizability of paratopological and semitopological groups
2.2.1 Submetrizability of paratopological groups
2.2.2 Submetrizability of semitopological groups
2.3 Mappings between paratopological groups
2.4 Cardinal invariants
2.5 Open problems
3 Remainders of paratopological and semitopological groups
3.1 Dichotomy theorems
3.2 Remainders for topological groups
3.3 Remainders for paratopological groups
3.3.1 Remainders being Lindel6f spaces
3.3.2 Remainders with a G~-diagonal
3.4 The remainders of semitopological groups
3.5 Open problems
4 factorizable topological groups
4.1 w-uniform continuity in uniform spaces
4.2 w-uniform continuity in topological groups
4.3 Characterization of R-factorizable topological groups
4.4 Characterization of rn-factorizable groups
5 Factorization properties of paratopological groups
5.1 Notation and preliminary facts
5.2 Characterizing ]R-factorizable paratopological groups
5.3 lR-factorizability in totally LE-groups
5.4 Open problems