案例1 新加坡生物医学工业的采购联盟
Case 1 Purchasing Consortium for the BMS Industry in Singapore
案例2 Ocimum Biosolutions:从生物信息到综合客户研究型服务外包公司
Case 2 Ocimum Biosolutions:From Bioinformatics to Integrated Custom
Research Outsourcing
Case 3 Viridity,Energy:The Challenge and Opportunity of Promoting Clean Energy Solutions
Case 4 First Energy
案例5 Zero,Brammo以及电动摩托车制造业
Case 5 Zero,Brammo and the Electric Motorcycle Industry
案例6 绿色科技股份有限公司:生物燃料高速发展战略
Case 6 Green-Tech:Bio-fuels High Growth Strategy
案例7 皮克斯梦工厂:动画创意策略
Case 7 Pixar Versus Dream Works:Animating Creative Strategies
案例8 NORA—SAKARI:一家拟在马来西亚成立的合资企业
Case 8 NORA-SAKARI:A Proposed JV in Malaysia
案例9 迪卡侬(中国):运用社交平台打造网上市场
Case 9 Decathlon China:Using Social MeSa to Penetrate the Internet Market
案例10 中国工商银行(上海分行)网银项目
Case 10 Intemet Banking Project in Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chins
案例11 云南白药:传统医药实现产品和市场多元化
Case 1 1 Yunnan Baiyao:Traditional Medicine Meets Product/Market Diversification
案例12 Morgan’S Rock田同生态旅馆
Case 12 Morgan’S Rock Hacienda&Ecolodge
案例13 香港迪士尼乐园
Case 13 Hong Kong Disneyland
Case 14 Mission Hills:Leading the China Golf Industry
案例15 绿色洒店:用绿色酒店概念创造核心竞争力
Case 15 Orchid Ecotel:Leveraging Green Hoteling as Core Competency