梁祝传说 济宁市
Butterfly Lovers:the Legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai Jining City
孟姜女传说 淄博市
The Legend of Meng Jiangn~Zibo City
崂山民间故事 青岛市崂山区
The Folktales of Laoshan Mountain Laoshan District of Qingdao City
陶朱公传说 定陶县
The Legend of Lord Tao Zhu Dingtao County
麒麟传说 嘉祥县、巨野县
The Legend of Kylin,the Chinese Unicorn Jiaxiang County and Juye County
董永传说 博兴县
The Legend of Dong Yong Boxing County
孟母教子传说 曲阜市、邹城市
The Legend of Mencius’Mother’s Teaching Qufu City and Zoucheng City
鲁班传说 曲阜市、滕州市
The Legend of Lu Ban,Father of Carpentry Qufu City and Tengzhou City
孔子诞生传说 曲阜市
The Legend about Confucius’Birth Qufu city
闵子骞传说 济南市历城区、鱼台县
The Stories about Min Ziqian Licheng District of Jinan City and Yutai County
炉姑传说 淄博市张店区、桓台县
The Legend of Li E,the Goddess of Furnace Zhangdian District of Zibo City and Huantai County
牛郎织女传说 沂源县
The Legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl Yiyuan County
八仙过海传说 蓬莱市
The Legend of the Eight Immortals Penglai city
秃尾巴老李传说 文登市、即墨市、莒县、诸城市
The Legend of OId Li.the Stump-Tailed Dragon Wendeng City.Jimo City,Zhucheng city and Juxian County
卧冰求鲤传说 临沂市兰山区
The Story of a Dutiful Son:Lying down on the Ice to Fetch Carp Lanshan District of Linyi City
东方朔民间传说 陵县
The Legend of Dongfang Shuo,the Great Wit Lingxian County
女娲神话 枣庄市
The Myth of NOwa,the Creator Goddess Zaozhuang city