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书名 | 抽象代数讲义(第2卷) |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-数学 |
作者 | (德)雅格布斯 |
出版社 | 世界图书出版公司 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《抽象代数讲义》是一套久负盛名的三卷集教材,是作者雅格布斯根据他在霍普金斯大学和耶鲁大学讲课时的讲义编写而成的,后又成为作者《基本代数学》一书的蓝本。第1卷介绍了群、环、域、同构等抽象代数的重要的基本概念和抽象代数的基本性质。《抽象代数讲义(第2卷》主要涉及线性代数理论,着重论述了向量空间理论。 目录 CHAPTER I: FINITE DIMENSIONAL VECTOR SPACES SECTION 1.Abstract vector spaces 2.Rightvectorspaces 3.o-modules 4.Linear dependence 5.Invariance of dimensionality 6.Bases and matrices 7.Applications to matrix theory 8.Rank ofa set ofvectors 9.Factor spaces 10.Algebra ofsubspaces 11.Independent subspaces, direct sums CHAPTER II: LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 1.Definition and examples 2.Compositions of linear transformations 3.The matrix of a linear transformation 4.Compositions ofmatrices 5.Change of basis.Equivalence and similarity of matrices 6.Rank space and null space of a linear transformation 7.Systems oflinear equations 8.Linear transformations in right vector spaces 9.Linear functions 10.Duality between a finite dimensional space and its .conjugate space 11.Transpose of a linear transformation 12.Matrices of the transpose 13.Projections CHAPTER III: THE THEORY OF A SINGLE LINEAR TRANSFORMATION 1.The minimum polynomial of a linear transformation 2.Cyclicsubspaces 3.Existence of a vector whose order is the minimum polynomial 4.Cyclic linear transformations 5.The module det:ermiried by a linear transformation 6.Finitely generated o-modules, o, a principal ideal domain 7.Normalization of the generators of; and of 8.Equivalence of matrices with elements in a principal ideal domain 9.Structure of finitely generated o-modules 10.Invarjance theorems 11.Decomposition of a vector space relative to a linear trans- formation 12.The characteristic and minimum polynomials 13.Direct proof of Theorem 13 14.Formal properties of the trace and the characteristic poly- nomial 15.The ring of o-endomorphisms of a cyclic o-module 16.Determination of the ring of o-endomorphisms of a finitely generated o-module, o principal 17.The linear transformations which commute with a given lin- ear transformation 18.The center of the ring CHAPTER Ⅳ: SETS OF LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 1.Invariant subspaces 2.Induced linear transformations 3.Composition series 4.Decomposability 5.Complete reducibility 6.Relation to the theory of operator groups and the theory of modules 7.Reducibility, decomposability, complete reducibility for a single linear transformation 8.The primary components of a space relative to a linear trans- formation 9.Sets of commutative linear transformations CHAPTER Ⅴ: BILINEAR FORMS 1.Bilinear forms 2.Matrices of a bilinear form SECTION 3.Non-degenerate forms 4.Transpose of a linear transformation relative to a pair-of bilinear forms 5.Another relation between linear transformations and bilinear forms 6.Scalar products 7.Hermitian scalar products 8.Matrices of hermitian scalar products 9.Symmetric and hermitian scalar products over special division rings 10.Alternate scalar products 11.Witt's theorem 12.Non-alternate skew-symmetric forms CHAPTER VI; EUCLIDEAN" AND UNITARY SPACES 1.Cartesian bases 2.Linear transformations and scalar products 3.Orthogonal complete reducibility 4.Symmetric, skew and orthogonal linear transformations 5.Canonical matrices for symmetric and skew linear transformations 6.Commutative symmetric and skew ]{near transformations 7.Normal and orthogonal linear transformations 8.Semi-definite transformations 9.Polar factorization of an arbitrary ]{near transformation 10.Unitary geometry 11.Analytic functions of linear transformations CHAPTER VII PRODUCTS OF VECTOR SPA(~ES 1.PrOduct groups of vector spaces 2.Direct products of linear transformations 3.Two-sided vector spaces 4.The Kronecker product 5.Kronecker products of linear transformations and of matrices 6.Tensor spaces 7.Symmetry classes of tensors 8.Extension of the field of a vector space 9.A theorem on similarity of sets of matrices SECTION 10.A_Iternativc definition of an algebra.Kronecker product of algebras CHAPTER VIII: THE RING OF LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 1.Simplicity of 2.Operator methods 3.The left ideals of 4.Right ideals 5.Isomorphisms of rings of linear transformations CHAPTER IX: INFINITE DIMENSIONAL VECTOR SPACES 1.Existence of a basis 2.Invariance of dimensionality 3.Subspaces 4.Linear transformations and matrices 5.Dimensionality of the conjugate space 6.Finite topology for linear transformations 7.Total subspaces of 9~* 8.Dual spaces.Kronecker products 9.Two-sided ideals in the ring of linear transformations 10.Dense rings of linear transformations 11.Isomorphism theorems 12.Anti-automorphisms and scalar products 13.Schur's lemma.A general density theorem 14.Irreducible algebras of linear transformations Index |
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