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书名 电工基础(双语版十二五普通高等教育电气信息类规划教材)
作者 王逸隆
出版社 化学工业出版社








第1章 电路的基本概念和基本定律1

 1.1 电路的组成及作用1

 1.1.1 电路的组成及其模型1

 1.1.2 电流、电压及其参考方向2

 1.1.3 电位3

 1.2 电路的工作状态5

 1.2.1 额定值与实际值5

 1.2.2 电路的工作状态5

 1.2.3 最大功率传输8

 1.3 电路的基本元件9

 1.3.1 无源元件9

 1.3.2 独立电源(元件)12

 1.3.3 受控电源14

 1.4 基尔霍夫定律及应用15

 1.4.1 基尔霍夫电流定律(KCL)15

 1.4.2 基尔霍夫电压定律(KVL)17

 1.4.3 基尔霍夫定律的基本应用18

第2章 电路分析的方法21

 2.1 支路电流法21

 2.2 结点电压法23

 2.3 电阻的串并联分析23

 2.3.1 等效变换的概念23

 2.3.2 电阻的串并联24

 2.4 电源的两种模型及其等效变换26

 2.4.1 电压源模型26

 2.4.2 电流源模型27

 2.4.3 电源两种模型之间的等效变换27

 2.5 叠加定理30

 2.6 戴维南定理与诺顿定理32

 2.6.1 戴维南定理32

 2.6.2 诺顿定理34

第3章 电路的暂态分析37

 3.1 暂态过程及换路定则37

 3.1.1 暂态过程37

 3.1.2 换路定则及初始值的确定37

 3.1.3 一阶线性微分方程40

 3.2 RC电路的响应41

 3.2.1 RC电路的零输入响应41

 3.2.2 RC电路的零状态响应42

 3.2.3 RC电路的全响应45

 3.3 一阶线性电路暂态分析的三要素法45

 3.4 RL电路的响应47

 3.4.1 RL电路的零输入响应47

 3.4.2 RL电路的零状态响应48

 3.4.3 RL电路的全响应48

第4章 正弦交流电路51

 4.1 正弦交流电路的基本概念51

 4.1.1 正弦量的三要素51

 4.1.2 正弦量的相量表示法53

 4.2 单元件的正弦交流电路55

 4.2.1 电阻元件的正弦交流电路55

 4.2.2 电感元件的正弦交流电路56

 4.2.3 电容元件的正弦交流电路58

 4.3 电路定律的相量形式60

 4.4 简单正弦交流电路的分析61

 4.4.1 正弦交流电路的阻抗61

 4.4.2 正弦交流电路的功率64

 4.4.3 功率因数的提高65

第5章 三相电路67

 5.1 三相电压67

 5.2 负载星形连接的三相电路69

 5.3 负载三角形连接的三相电路72

 5.4 三相功率74

第6章 变压器与电动机76

 6.1 磁路的分析方法76

 6.2 变压器77

 6.2.1 变压器的工作原理78

 6.2.2 变压器的运行特性80

 6.2.3 特殊变压器81

 6.3 三相异步电动机82

 6.3.1 三相异步电动机的构造82

 6.3.2 三相异步电动机的工作原理83

 6.3.3 三相异步电动机的机械特性86

 6.3.4 三相异步电动机的运行特性88

 6.3.5 三相异步电动机的使用92

第7章 继电接触器控制系统94

 7.1 常用低压电器94

 7.1.1 刀开关和熔断器94

 7.1.2 自动开关96

 7.1.3 交流接触器96

 7.1.4 热继电器和时间继电器98

 7.1.5 按钮和行程开关99

 7.2 电气系统的基本控制环节100

 7.2.1 点动和长动控制100

 7.2.2 电动机的正反转控制102

 7.3 应用举例103

 7.3.1 笼型电动机能耗制动的控制线路104

 7.3.2 加热炉自动上料控制线路104




Chapter 1 Basic concepts and laws of the electronic circuit125

 1.1 The circuit composition and role125

 1.1.1 Compositions of electronic circuit and model125

 1.1.2 The current、the voltage and their reference directions126

 1.1.3 Electric potential128

 1.2 Electrical circuit operating modes130

 1.2.1 The rated value and the actual value130

 1.2.2 The operation mode of the circuit131

 1.2.3 Maximum power transmission134

 1.3 Basic circuit components136

 1.3.1 Passive components136

 1.3.2 Independent power supply(components)139

 1.3.3 Dependent power sources141

 1.4 Kirchhoff′s law and applications143

 1.4.1 Kirchhoff′s current law(KCL)143

 1.4.2 Kirchhoff′s voltage law(KVL)145

 1.4.3 Basic applications of Kirchhoff′s law146

Chapter 2 The circuit analysis methods149

 2.1 Branch current method149

 2.2 Node-voltage method151

 2.3 The series connection and the parallel connection of resistors152

 2.3.1 The concept of equivalent transformation152

 2.3.2 The resistors series connection and parallel connection152

 2.4 The power source modelsand equivalent transformation155

 2.4.1 Voltage source model155

 2.4.2 Current source model156

 2.4.3 The power source models and transformations156

 2.5 The superposition theory160

 2.6 The Thevenin theorem and the Nortons theorem162

 2.6.1 The Thevenin theorem162

 2.6.2 Nortons theorem164

Chapter 3 The transient state analysis168

 3.1 The transient process and the switching theory168

 3.1.1 The transient process168

 3.1.2 The switching rule and the initial value determination 169

 3.1.3 The first order linear differential equation172

 3.2 RC circuit responses173

 3.2.1 The zero-input response of the RC circuit173

 3.2.2 RC circuit zero state response 175

 3.2.3 RC circuit complete response 177

 3.3 The three-element method of the first order linear circuit transient response analysis178

 3.4 RL circuit transient response180

 3.4.1 RL circuit zero input response180

 3.4.2 RL circuit zero state response181

 3.4.3 RL circuit complete response181

Chapter 4 The sinusoidal alternating current(AC)circuit184

 4.1 Basic concepts of the sinusoidal alternating current (AC) circuit184

 4.1.1 Three elements of the sinusoidal quantity184

 4.1.2 The phasor representation methodof the sine function187

 4.2 Single-component sinusoidal ACcircuit189

 4.2.1 The sinusoidal AC circuit for theresistor190

 4.2.2 The sinusoidal AC circuit for theinductor191

 4.2.3 The sinusoidal AC circuit for thecapacitor193

 4.3 The phasor form of the circuit laws195

 4.4 The analysis of the simple sinusoidalAC circuit196

 4.4.1 The impedance of the sinusoidalAC circuit197

 4.4.2 Power of the sinusoidal ACcircuit199

 4.4.3 The enhancement of the powerfactor201

Chapter 5 Three-phase circuit203

 5.1 Three-phase voltage203

 5.2 Three-phase circuit with the starconnection load206

 5.3 The load triangular connection of thethree-phase circuit210

 5.4 Three-phase circuit power212

Chapter 6 The transformer and electric motor214

 6.1 The analysis method of the magnetic circuit 214

 6.2 The transformer216

 6.2.1 The operation fundamental of the transformer216

 6.2.2 The transformer′s operating character220

 6.2.3 Special transformers221

 6.3 Three-phase asynchronous electrical motor222

 6.3.1 The structure of the three-phase asynchronous electrical motor structure223

 6.3.2 The three-phase asynchronous motor fundamentals 223

 6.3.3 The mechanical characteristics of the three-phase asynchronous motor227

 6.3.4 The operation characteristics of the three-phase asynchronous motor229

 6.3.5 Three-phase asynchronous motor′s usage234

Chapter 7 The relay contact device control system237

 7.1 The ordinary low-voltage control apparatus237

 7.1.1 The knife switch and the fuse237

 7.1.2 Automatic switch239

 7.1.3 The AC contactor240

 7.1.4 Thermorelay and time relay242

 7.1.5 Buttons and the position switches244

 7.2 Basic control units of the electrical system245

 7.2.1 Point start and long dynamic control 245

 7.2.2 The motor control and reversing246

 7.3 Applicable instances249

 7.3.1 The dynamic braking control circuit for caged type motor249

 7.3.2 The heat furnace automatic material loading control circuit249






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