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书名 | 先进金属陶瓷与复合材料(第十二届中俄双边新材料新工艺国际会议论文集) |
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作者 | 屠海令 |
出版社 | 云南科技出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 屠海令编的《先进金属陶瓷与复合材料(第十二届中俄双边新材料新工艺国际会议论文集)》是第十二届中俄双边新材料新工艺国际会议论文集,覆盖的学科领域包括纳米材料,计算材料科学,稀有金属,合金,新能源,节能和环保材料,电子信息材料,生物材料和聚合物材料,航空航天材料和表面工作材料,陶瓷和复合材料,冶金和材料加工新技术等。 目录 A.NANoMATERIALS AND COMPUTATIoNAL MATERIALS SCIENCE I-A-01 Foodstuffs Protection with Nano Composites I-A-02 Nanostructuring Features of the Amorphous and Polycrystalline Alloys on the Basis of Aluminium(85 at.%),Alloyed With Transition(7-9 at.%Ni,2-4 at.%Fe)and Rare-earth (4 at.%La)Metals at Intensive Plastic Deformation by Shift Under Pressure I-A-03 Biocidal Composite Materials Containing Pt@Fe2O3 Nanoparticles I-A-04 Peculiarities of Vacuum Sintering of Tungsten Carbide cobalt Nanopowders Obtained by Using Thermal Plasma I-A-05 Nanomachining and Design of Array Sensors on Nanoporous Alumina by Chemical Photolithography I-A-06 The Model of Grain Boundary Diffusion Acceleration Effect During High-strain Rate Superplasticity of Uhrafine Grain Alloys Produced bv ECAP I-A-07 3D Composites Based on Opal Matrix and Heterometallic Nanopartieles I-A-08 Bioceramic Nanocomposites Based Oil Zirconium Dioxide as Applied to Restorative Dentistry I-A-09 Nanostructured Alumina Ceramics Made of Chemically Dispersed AluminuIll Allovs I-A-10 Preparation of Nanocomposite Materials by Using Solid-.State Nanoreaetors I-A-11 Exploded Phase Diagrams for Temary Systems with the Iron Allotrop I-A-12 Graphics of the Quaternary Systems with the Kinematical Hypersurfaces I-A-13 (Excel+ACAD)-Technology for T-x-y-z Diagrams Investigation I-A-14 Grain Boundary Influence on Submicrocrystalline Alloys Superplasticitv I-A-15 Bulk Nanostructured Ni3Al Intermetallic and Ni3Al-base Alloy I-A-16 The Fluoride Method of Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles Receiving with Predetermined Physical-Chemical Properties I-A-17 Microstrueture and Properties of Nanostructured and Ultrafine Grained Titanium and Zirconium Obtained bv the Method of Severe Plastic Deformation I-A-18 Obtaining of Mesoporous Zirconia Nanopowders I-A-19 Magnetic Nanowires--Matrix Synthesis and Investigation B.RARE METALS AND ALLOYS I-B-01 Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Ultra-fine Grained Titanium Alloy Ti一 4Al-2V I-B-02 Influence 0f Equal-channel Angular Pressing on Grain Refinement and Anelastic Properties of TiNi Based Allovs I-B-03 Estimation 0f Non-equilibrium Structure of Uhrafine-Grained Titanium Alloys by EB.SD-Method I-B-04 The Synthesis of Functional Materials Using Polynuclear Metal Complexes as Molecular Precursors I-B-05 Effect 0f Pulsed Electron Beam Treatment and Annealing on the Properties of Zirconium Alloy C.NEW ENERGY, ENERGY-SAVING AND ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY MATERIALS I-C-01 Densitv, Surfaee Tension and Electron Work Function of Lithium and Its Alloys with Sodium I-C-02 LI2C2 as New Effective Material for Tritium Breeding I-C-03 Thermodynamic Modeling of the Radionuclides Behavior in the Process of the Oxidation of Radioactive GraDhite in the Oxide-carbonate Melts I-C-04 Freeze-drying synthesis of Highly Disperse Li1.2Ni0.18Mn0.59Co0.03O2 Cathode Materialsfor Li-ion Batteries I-C-05 Synthesis.Hydrothermal Treatment and Properties of Titania Spherical Particles I-C-06 Influence of the Structural Features of Anodic Alumina Membrane on Their Permeance I-C-07 The Mechanisms and Parameters of Radiation Hardening and Embrittlement of V,V-Ti and V-Ti-Cr A1-10vs I-C-08 An Experimental Method f10r the Study of Acoustic Properties of Metal I-C-09 A New Dark-Colored Pigment with a Maximum Reflection in the Near Infrared I-C-10 Formation of Porous Structure of P-type Indium Phosphide by Electrochemical Etching D.ELECTRONIC INFORMATION MATERIALS I-D-01 Spin G1ass State in Zirconolites LnFeTi,07(Ln=Sm,Gd,Dy) I-D-02 High Efficiency Organic Light-emitting Diode Based on Uv Stable Terbium Aromatic Carboxylates I-D-03 Effect of Resistive Switching in Graphene Oxide Nanostruetures I-D-04 Materials of Spintronics I-D-05 Obtaining a Compact Subgroup of Vanadium Nitrides Using the Approach by Oxidative Construction of Thinwalled Ceramics(octc)and Investigation of Its Properties I-D-06 Stabilization of the Incommensurate Phase in Ferroelectrie Composite(NaN02)0.80-(KN02)0.20 |
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