引言部分介绍了本书的写作动机和该研究的必要性。基于使用i的语言习得理论契合了作者多年来作为二语学习者的个人体验和经验,因此一经接触便立刻引起了作者的研究兴趣。另外,多年来常常听到英语学习者感叹自己只会做选择题而不会使用英语以达到实际 交流的目的,作为一名英语教师,作者因此非常希望通过本研究探寻一种对于学习者来说切实可行的学习任务,从而帮助他们真正提高英语使用能力。因此,本研究旨在探索练习频次效应,并寻找影响这种 效应的语言因素和学习者因素,这将有助于我们更深入地了解学习者 的认知机制及其特点,同时也有助于我们的英语教学更加符合认知规 律。
第一章回顾了本研究所涉及的二语习得研究领域中的一些核心 概念,如“语言知识”、“语言知识的发展及其测量”、“语言知识的接口 之争”等。事实上,这些概念已得到相当广泛深入的研究,但到目前为 止研究结论并不一致,所以有必要首先阐明本研究在这些概念上的立 场和观点。
第二章回顾了近年基于频次的二语习得研究所获得的一些成果,指出其尚不完善之处,更重要的是,频次效应将受到语言特征和学 习者特点的影响,而这些方面的研究刚刚起步。语言特征决定了不同 构式具有不同的习得难度,并且同一构式作为不同类型的语言知识其 习得难度也不尽相同。本章详细分析了’本研究中所涉及的分诃做非 谓语动词和虚拟语气这两个英语构式各自的特点,由此推断出它们各 自的习得难度;同样,学习者的特点决定了不同学习者在学习同一构 式B时会激发不同的学习机制、获得不同的学习效果。本章结尾部分总 结了本研究的 一些特点和语气的贡献。
第三章详细阐述了研究方法,包括研究对象、数据收集的步骤和一 数据分析的方法。本研究由两个小规模实证研究组成,采用定量和定 性相结合的方法来收集并分析数据。第一个研究采用了前测--干预一后测的设计,三个干预组分别进行6次、4次和2次读写练习,同时进行有声思维,控制组没有练习。测试包含三项任务:语法判断及。改错、命题口头表达、命题写作,其中改错任务主要考察学生的显性语言知识,命题口头表达任务主要考察学生的隐性语言知识’而语法判断任务和命题写作任务则考察两种语言知识的混合使用一情况。最后对部分学生进行了访谈。在第二个研究中,每个研究对象的数据收集一分别进行,并按同样的顺序一次完成:命题口头表达、命题写作、读写练习、命题口头表达、命题写作、访谈。两个研究互为补充'以期透过 现象深入挖掘其背后的原因。
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Appendices
0.1 Motivation for the Research
0.2 Significance of the Research.
0.2.1 Theoretical significance
0.2.2 MethodoIogical significance
0.2.3 Pedagogical significance
0.3 Overview of the Book
Part I Literature Review
Chapter One Linguistic Knowledge and Its Development
1.1 Linguistic Knowledge
1.1.1 Linguistic knowledge as representation
1.1.2 Linguistic knowledge as access
1.1.3 Measurement of linguistic knowledge
1.2 Development of Linguistic Knowledge
1.2.1 Language learning processes
1.2.2 Language learning outcomes
1.3 Positions on the Interface Issue.
1.4 Summary
Chapter Two FrequencyBased Second Language Acquisition
2.1 Task—Based lnstruction,
2.1.1 Task
2.1.2 Input and output
2.2 Frequency
2.2.1 Featu re distribution frequency
2.2.2 Task frequency
2.2.3 Empirical studies
2.3 Linguistic Factors
2.3.1 Learning difficulty of constructions
2.3.2 The target constructions of the present research
2.4 Learner Factors
2.4.1 Cognitive and psychological mechanisms in learning and use
2.4.2 Individual differences in learning beliefs and strategies
2.5 CharacteristiCS of the Present Research
PartII Methodology
Chapter Three Research Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Study 1
3.2.1 Participants
3.2.2 Instruments
3.2.3 Data COllection
3.2.4 Data analysis
3.3 Study 2
3.3.1 Participants
3.3.2 Instruments
3.3.3 Data COIlection
3.3.4 Data analysis
PartⅢ Results and Discussion
Chapter Four Practice Frequency Effects on Learners’Task Performance
4.1 The Correction Task
4.1.1 Effects of practice frequency on task performance
4.1.2 Types of knowledge accessed
4.1.3 SummarV and discussion
4.2 The Guided Speaking Task
4.2.1 Effects of practice frequency on performanceaccuracy
4.2.2 Effects of practice frequency on performance automaticity
4.2.3 SummarV and discussion
4.3 The Grammaticality Judgment Task and the Guided Writing Task
4.3.1 Effects of practice frequency on task performanc
4.3.2 Types of knowledge accessed
4.3.3 SummarV and discussion
4.4 Learners’Task Performance under the Effect of Practice Frequency
Chapter Five Practice Frequency Effects on Two Constructions
5.1 The Non—Finite Participle Construction
5.1.1 The correction task
5.1.2 The guided speaking task
5.1.3 Summary and discussion
5.2 The Subjunctive Construction
5.2.1 The correction task
5.2.2 The guided speaking task
5.2.3 SummarV and discussion
5.3 Effect of Practice Frequency on Two Constructions
Chapter Six Processing and Production of the Two Constructions
6.1 Processing Mechanisms in the Learning of the Target Constructions
6.1.1 Input processing mechanisms
6.1.2 Output processing mechanisms
6.1.3 UsefuI processing mechanisms for learning
6.2 Production Mechanisms in Language Use
6.2.1 General language production mechanisms
6.2.2 Production mechanisms for the target constructions
6.3 Learner Beliefs and Strategies
6.3.1 Beliefs and strategies for grammar learning and use in general
6.3.2 Beliefs and strategies with regard to the participle
6.3.3 Beliefs and strategies with regard to the subjunctive
6.3.4 Views on the practice task
6.4 Linking Task Performance to Mechanisms and Learning Beliefs and Strategies
6.4.1 Characteristics of the participant who improved the
most in the correction task .
6.4.2 Characteristics of the participant who improved the most in the speaking task
6.4.3 SummarV
6.5 Mechanisms and Learner Beliefs and Strategies in Language Learning and Use
Part lV ConcI usion
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 summarV of Major Findings
7.1.1 Knowledge development under the effect of practice frequency
7.1.2 Effect of practice frequency on the knowledge development of two constructions
7.1.3 Mechanisms and learner beliefs and strategies in language learning and use
7.2 Implications
7.2.1 Theoretical implications
7.2.2 MethodoIogical implications
7.2.3 Pedagogical implications
7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Futu re Research