Part One
Tracing the Signifier:Barthes and Mthusser
Studying Raymond Williams in a Chinese Perspective
Critiquing Irigaray’S Post—modern Feminist Theory
China’S“Cuhural Fever”in the Global Context
Globality and Cultural Trends in Contemporary China
Cultural Identity and Ideological Space
Part Two
Literary Works and Their Cultural Assumptions
Some Reflections on Frost’S Pastoral and Philosophical Poems
Towards an Understanding of Said’S Re—constructed Orientalism
Studying Ted Hughes’S Poems:An Appreciative Survey
An Interview with Professor Shaun Richards on Irish Drama
Literary Theory Keywords
Appendix(Literature Translation)
A.Drama from Ibsen to Brecht(1973)
B.Poems by Robert Frost
C.B.Franklin’s Autobiography(Exerpt)
D.Sayings of Dr.Samuel Johnson