周西华、贾进章、李宗翔、葛少成、贾宝山编著的《第四届国际矿山安全学术研讨会论文集(2012)》内容介绍:The international symposium on mine safety held by Liaoning Technical University this year isthe fourth and this collection is the Fourth International Mine Safety Symposium Proceedings. Theconference aims at promoting international exchanges in the field of mine safety technology, fully dis-playing and exchanging the latest theories, techniques and equipment which mine enterprises at homeand abroad have obtained in mine safety in recent years, strengthening the exchanges and applica-tions of new techniques in mine safety field between universities, scientific research institutions andmine enterprises, promoting safety technique level of coal mine.
Coal Spontaneous Combustion Landmark Gas Analysis and Optimization
Stability Analysis of Surrounding Rocks of Diversion Tunnel
Stripping Ratio of First Open Pit Mining Area During Steering Based on Dynamic Optimization Method
Experimental Study on the Gas Drainage Based on Parallel Boreholes with Large Diameter
Simple Discussion Reasons and Prevention on Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in Surface Coal Mine
Based on Carbon Dioxide Three - phase Foam Technology of Fire Prevention Discussion
Distribution and Security Situation Analysis of Iron Mine in the Southeastern Region of Fuxin
Wangying Coal Mining Area Sedimentary Environment and the Control of CoMbed Methane
Study of Gas Concentration Based on the Least Square Method and Polynomial Fitting
JinYuanli Well Mining Water Filling Conditions Analysis
Properties and Coal Accumulation of Manggou Fault in Muchengjian Mining Area, Jingxi
Precursor Information and Rule of Rock Burst Revealed by Microseismic Monitoring
Evaluation the Relative Risk Degree of Every Section in Mining Working Face with Fuzzy Clustering Analysis
Analysis of the Gas Pressure Recovery Curve of the Upper
Inclination Piezometer Hole in the Coal Seams
Gas Control Practice and Research of Mechanized Coal Surface in Xuandong No. 2 mine
Simulation Technology Based Optimal Scheme for Ventilation System of Banshi Mine
Research of Mine Ventilation System Optimization
Study and Analysis of Wind Energy Utilization in Fuxin City