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书名 乌鸦喝水(插图中文导读英文版)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 (古希腊)伊索
出版社 清华大学出版社





1.驴和它的主人/The Ass and His Masters 1

2.驴和青蛙/The Ass and the Frogs 3

3.驴和它的影子/The Ass and His Shadow 4

4.驴和买主/The Ass and His Purchaser 6

5. 男人、男孩和驴/The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey 7

6.驴和战马/The Ass and the Charger 11

7.驴和蚱蜢/The Ass and the Grasshopper 12

8.驴和哈巴狗/The Ass and the Lapdog 14

9.驴和骡子/The Ass and the Mule 17

10.驴和老牧人/The Ass and the Old Shepherd 19

11.驴和狼/The Ass and the Wolf 20

12.驴的脑子/The Ass’s Brains 22

13.驮神像的驴/The Ass Carrying the Image 24

14.驴、公鸡和狮子/The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion 25

15.驴、狐狸和狮子/The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion 26

16.披着狮子皮的驴/The Ass in the Lion’s Skin 27

17.墨丘利和雕刻家/Mercury and the Sculptor 29

18.墨丘利和伐木工/Mercury and the Woodman 30

19.父与子/The Father and His Sons 33

20.父亲和两个女儿/The Father and His Two Daughters 35

21.熊和狐狸/The Bear and the Fox 37

22.熊和两个行人/The Bear and the Two Travelers 38

23.肚子和身体器官/The Belly and the Members 40

24.母狗和她的小狗/The Bitch and Her Whelps 41

25.猴子和两个旅行者/The Apes and the Two Travelers 42

26.盲人和狼崽/The Blind Man and the Whelp 44

27.独眼雌鹿/The One-Eyed Doe 45

28.射手和狮子/The Bowman and the Lion 46

29.男孩和榛子/The Boy and the Filberts 47

30.男孩和荨麻/The Boy and the Nettles 48

31.捉蝗虫的男孩/The Boy Hunting Locusts 49

32.洗澡的男孩/The Boy Bathing 50

33.男孩和青蛙/The Boys and the Frogs 51

34.铜匠和他的狗/The Brazier and His Dog 53

35.兄妹/The Brother and the Sister 54

36.小丑和农夫/The Buffoon and the Countryman 56

37.吹牛的旅行者/The Boasting Traveler 57

38.公牛和牛犊/The Bull and the Calf 58

39.公牛和山羊/The Bull and the Goat 59


The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild-Boar Hunter 61

41. 朱庇特、尼普顿、密涅瓦和莫摩斯/

Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus 62

42.蚂蚁和鸽子/The Ant and the Dove 64

43.笼中鸟和蝙蝠/The Cage Bird and the Bat 66

44.骆驼/The Camel 67

45.跳蚤和人/The Flea and the Man 68

46.跳蚤和公牛/The Flea and the Ox 69

47. 男人和两个心上人/The Man and His Two Sweethearts 70

48.猫和公鸡/The Cat and the Cock 71

49.猫和鸟/The Cat and the Birds 72

50.猫和老鼠/The Cat and the Mice 73

51.猫和维纳斯/The Cat and Venus 75

52.烧炭人和漂洗工/The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller 76

53.天文学家/The Astronomer 77

54.黑仆人/The Aethiop 79

55.战马和磨坊主/The Charger and the Miller 80

56.螃蟹母子/The Crab and Its Mother 81

57.螃蟹和狐狸/The Crab and the Fox 83

58.乌鸦和墨丘利/The Crow and Mercury 84

59.乌鸦喝水/The Crow and the Pitcher 85

60.乌鸦和渡鸦/The Crow and the Raven 87

61. 公鸡和宝石/The Cock and the Jewel 88

62.乌鸦和羊/The Crow and the Sheep 89

63.贪婪和嫉妒/Avaricious and Envious 90

64.跳舞的猴子/The Dancing Monkeys 92

65.虚荣的寒鸦/The Vain Jackdaw 93

66.蜜蜂和朱庇特/The Bee and Jupiter 96

67.年轻的贼和他母亲/The Young Thief and His Mother 98

68.给猫系铃铛/Belling the Cat 100

69.海豚、鲸鱼和鲱鱼/The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat 103

70. 狮子、狼和狐狸/The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox 104

71.鸽子和乌鸦/The Dove and the Crow 106

72.鹰和捕鹰人/The Eagle and His Captor 107

73.鹰和箭/The Eagle and the Arrow 108

74.鹰和寒鸦/The Eagle and the Jackdaw 109

75.鹰和鸢/The Eagle and the Kite 111

76.鹰、猫和野猪/The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow 113

77.鹰和狐狸/The Eagle and the Fox 115

78.母鹿和狮子/The Doe and the Lion 117

79.狗和厨子/The Dog and the Cook 118

80.狗和野兔/The Dog and the Hare 120

81.狗和蚌/The Dog and the Oyster 121

82.食槽里的狗/The Dog in the Manger 122

83.狗的家/The Dog’s House 124

84.狗和倒影/The Dog and the Shadow 125

85.狗和狼/The Dog and the Wolf 127

86.狗和狐狸/The Dogs and the Fox 129

87.狗、公鸡和狐狸/The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox 130

88.狗和牛皮/The Dogs and the Hides 133

89.农夫和他的儿子们/The Farmer and His Sons 135

90.农夫和鹤/The Farmer and the Cranes 137

91.农夫和狐狸/The Farmer and the Fox 139

92.农夫和鹳/The Farmer and the Stork 140

93.农夫和蛇/The Farmer and the Snake 142

94. 守财奴和他的金子/The Miser and His Gold 143

95.鞋匠改行当医生/The Cobbler Turned Doctor 145

96.打架的公鸡和鹰/The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle 147

97.杉树和刺藤/The Fir-Tree and the Bramble 149

98.渔夫/The Fisher 150

99.渔夫和渔网/The Fisherman and His Nets 151

100.渔夫和小鱼/The Fisherman and the Little Fish 152

101.吹笛子的渔夫/The Fisherman Piping 154

102.渔夫们/The Fishermen 155

103.驴和马/The Ass and the Horse 156

104.跳蚤和摔跤手/The Flea and the Wrestler 157

105.苍蝇和蜂蜜罐/The Flies and the Honey-Pot 158

106.苍蝇和拉车的骡子/The Fly and the Draught-Mule 159

107.四头公牛和一头狮子/The Four Oxen and the Lion 160

108.云雀葬父/The Lark Burying Her Father 161

109.捕鸟人和毒蛇/The Fowler and the Viper 162

110.狐狸和刺藤/The Fox and the Bramble 163

111.狐狸和猫/The Fox and the Cat 164

112.狐狸和猴子/The Fox and the Monkey 167

113.狐狸和乌鸦/The Fox and the Crow 169

114.狐狸和葡萄/The Fox and the Grapes 172

115.狐狸和刺猬/The Fox and the Hedgehog 174

116.狐狸和鹤/The Fox and the Crane 176

117.狐狸和豹子/The Fox and the Leopard 178

118.狐狸和面具/The Fox and the Mask 180

119.狐狸和蚊子/The Fox and the Mosquitoes 181

120.狐狸和山羊/The Fox and the Goat 183

121.狐狸和狮子/The Fox and the Lion 186

122.狐狸和鹳/The Fox and the Stork 188

123.没有尾巴的狐狸/The Fox Without a Tail 191

124. 灯/The Lamp 194

125.狐狸和伐木工/The Fox and the Woodcutter 195

126.狐狸、公鸡和狗/The Fox, the Cock and the Dog 197

127.挤奶姑娘和奶桶/The Milk-Women and Her Pail 199

128.挤奶少女和奶桶/The Milkmaid and Her Pail 200

129.狼和鹤/The Wolf and the Crane 203

130.狼和狐狸/The Wolf and the Fox 206

131.狼和山羊/The Wolf and the Goat 207

132.狼和马/The Wolf and the Horse 209

133.狼和看家狗/The Wolf and the Housedog 210

134.狼和小羊/The Wolf and the Sheep 212

135. 大山分娩/The Mountain in Labor 214

136.狼和小羊/The Wolf and the Lamb 215

137.狼和羊/The Wolf and the Sheep 218

138.狼和牧羊人/The Wolf and Shepherd 219

139.狼和狮子/The Wolf and the Lion 222

140.披着羊皮的狼/The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 224

141.狼和羊/The Wolves and the Sheep 226

142.狼和牧羊狗/The Wolves and the Sheepdogs 227

143.妇人和她的母鸡/The Woman and Her Hen 228

144.樵夫和蛇/The Woodman and Serpent 229

145.风和太阳/The Wind and the Sun 230

146.青蛙和公牛/The Frog and the Ox 231

147.青蛙和井/The Frogs and the Well 234

148.青蛙想要一个国王/The Frogs Asking for a King 235

149.青蛙抱怨太阳/The Frogs’ Complaint Against the Sun 238

150.蝙蝠和黄鼠狼/The Bat and the Weasels 239

151.蝙蝠、鸟和兽/The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts 241

152.斗鸡和山鹑/The Gamecocks and the Partridge 242

153.鹅和鹤/The Geese and the Cranes 243

154.蚊子和公牛/The Gnat and the Bull 244

155.蚊子和狮子/The Gnat and the Lion 246

156.山羊和驴/The Goat and the Ass 249

157.山羊和牧羊人/The Goat and the Goatherd 250

158.牧羊人和野山羊/The Goatherd and the Wild Goats 251

159.好事和坏事/The Goods and the Ills 254

160.羔羊和狼/The Lamb and the Wolf 256

161.下金蛋的鹅/The Goose With the Golden Eggs 257

162.蚱蜢和猫头鹰/The Grasshopper and the Owl 259

163.野兔和狐狸/The Hares and the Foxes 262

164.野兔和青蛙/The Hares and the Frogs 263

165.野兔和狮子/The Hare and the Lions 265

166.野兔和猎狗/The Hare and the Hound 266

167.龟兔赛跑/The Hare and the Tortoise 267

168.朋友众多的野兔/The Hare With Many Friends 270

169.牛圈中的鹿/The Hart in the Ox-Stall 273

170.鹿和猎人/The Hart and the Hunter 274

171.鹿和藤蔓/The Hart and the Vine 276

172.鹰、鸢和鸽子/The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons 277

173.蚂蚁和蚱蜢/The Ants and the Grasshopper 278

174.老鹰和夜莺/The Hawk and the Nightingale 280

175.母牛和公牛/The Heifer and the Ox 281

176.母鸡和金蛋/The Hen and the Golden Eggs 282

177.母鸡和燕子/The Hen and the Swallow 283

178.赫拉克勒斯和帕拉斯/Hercules and Pallas 284

179. 黄鼠狼和老鼠/The Weasel and the Mice 286

180. 寡妇和她的小女仆/The Widow and Her Little Maidens 287





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