1.马和驴/The Horse and the Ass 1
2.马、猎人和鹿/The Horse, Hunter, and Stag 2
3.马和马夫/The Horse and Groom 4
4.马和骑兵/The Horse and His Rider 5
5.马和鹿/The Horse and the Stag 7
6.赫拉克勒斯和马车夫/Hercules and the Wagoner 8
7.牧人和丢失的公牛/The Herdsman and the Lost Bull 9
8.猎人和骑马者/The Hunter and the Horseman 10
9.猎人和伐木工/The Hunter and the Woodman 11
10.安德罗克勒斯/Androcles 12
11.猎人和渔夫/The Huntsman and the Fisherman 14
12.墨丘利木像和木匠/The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter 15
13.寒鸦和鸽子/The Jackdaw and the Doves 16
14.寒鸦和狐狸/The Jackdaw and the Fox 17
15.松鸦和孔雀/The Jay and the Peacock 18
16.捕鸟人、山鹑和公鸡/The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock 19
17.鸟、兽和蝙蝠/The Bird, the Beasts, and the Bat 20
18.朱庇特和猴子/Jupiter and the Monkey 21
19.一捆木棍/The Bundle of Sticks 22
20.小羊和狼/The Kid and the Wolf 23
21.国王的儿子与狮子的画像/The King’s Son and the Painted Lion 25
22.狮子的王国/The Kingdom of the Lion 27
23.老狮子/The Old Lion 28
24.老人和死神/The Old Man and the Death 29
25.鸢和天鹅/The Kites and the Swans 30
26.农夫和蛇/The Laborer and the Snake 31
27.工人和夜莺/The Labourer and the Nightingale 33
28.丢了尾巴的狐狸/The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail 35
29.云雀和小云雀/The Lark and Her Young Ones 37
30.狮子和公牛/The Lion and the Bull 40
31.狮子和海豚/The Lion and the Dolphin 42
32.狮子和野猪/The Lion and the Boar 43
33.狮子和鹰/The Lion and the Eagle 44
34.蚂蚁和蛹/The Ant and the Chrysalis 45
35.狮子和狐狸/The Lion and the Fox 47
36.狮子和野兔/The Lion and the Hare 48
37.狮子和牧羊人/The Lion and the Shepherd 49
38.狮子和雕像/The Lion and the Statue 52
39.狮子和三只公牛/The Lion and the Three Bulls 53
40.闯进场院里的狮子/The Lion in a Farmyard 55
41.坠入爱河的狮子/The Lion in Love 56
42.狮子、狐狸和野兽/The Lion, the Fox, and the Beasts 57
43.狮子、朱庇特和大象/The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant 60
44.狮子、熊和狐狸/The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox 62
45.狮子和老鼠/The Lion and the Mouse 64
46.狮子、狐狸和驴/The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass 66
47.狮子、老鼠和狐狸/The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox 69
48.鸽子和蚂蚁/The Dove and the Ant 71
49.狮子的份额/The Lion’s Share 73
50.母狮子/The Lioness 76
51.秃头骑士/The Bald Knight 77
52.秃子和苍蝇/The Bald Man and the Fly 78
53.小男孩和命运女神/The Little Boy and Fortune 79
54.丢失的假鬓/The Lost Wig 80
55.猫女/The Cat-Maiden 81
56.男人和两个妻子/The Man and His Two Wives 82
57.男人和妻子/The Man and His Wife 84
58.人和狮子/The Man and the Lion 85
59.乌鸦和蛇/The Crow and the Serpent 86
60.公鸡和珍珠/The Cock and the Pearl 87
61.男人和萨提儿/The Man and the Satyr 88
62.人和蛇/The Man and the Serpent 90
63.人和树林/The Man and the Wood 92
64.人和上帝木雕像/The Man and the Wooden God 93
65.遭狗咬的人/The Man Bitten by a Dog 94
66.驴和赶驴人/The Ass and His Driver 95
67.人、马、牛和狗/The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog 97
68.杀人犯/The Manslayer 99
69.主人和他的狗/The Master and His Dogs 100
70.老鼠和黄鼬/The Mice and the Weasels 101
71.磨坊主、儿子和驴/The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass 104
72.恶狗/The Mischievous Dog 107
73.守财奴/The Miser 109
74.小鹿和母鹿/The Fawn and His Mother 111
75.田鼠和田鼠妈妈/The Mole and His Mother 112
76.猴子和骆驼/The Monkey and the Camel 113
77.猴子和海豚/The Monkey and the Dolphin 115
78.猴子和渔夫/The Monkey and the Fishermen 118
79.猴子和猴妈妈/The Monkeys and Their Mother 119
80.母亲和狼/The Mother and the Wolf 120
81.骆驼和阿拉伯人/The Camel and the Arab 122
82.骆驼和朱庇特/The Camel and Jupiter 123
83.橡树和芦苇/The Oak and the Reeds 124
84.橡树和樵夫/The Oak and the Woodcutters 126
85.橡树和朱庇特/The Oaks and Jupiter 127
86.狼、狐狸和猿/The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape 128
87.群山分娩/The Mountains in Labour 129
88.老鼠和公牛/The Mouse and the Bull 130
89.老鼠、青蛙和鹰/The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk 131
90.骡子/The Mule 134
91.骡子和强盗/The Mules and the Robbers 135
92.北风和太阳/The North Wind and the Sun 136
93.保姆和狼/The Nurse and the Wolf 138
94.老猎狗/The Old Hound 139
95.老妪和医生/The Old Woman and the Physician 140
96.老妪和酒坛/The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar 142
97.猫头鹰和鸟/The Owl and the Birds 143
98.牛和青蛙/The Ox and the Frog 145
99.牛和车轴/The Oxen and the Axle-Trees 147
100.牛和屠夫/The Oxen and the Butchers 148
101.豹子和牧羊人/The Panther and the Shepherds 149
102.山鹑和猎人/The Partridge and Fowler 151
103.孔雀和鹤/The Peacock and the Crane 152
104.孔雀和朱诺/The Peacock and Juno 154
105.农夫和苹果树/The Peasant and the Apple-Tree 155
106.农夫和老鹰/The Peasant and the Eagle 156
107.哲学家、蚂蚁和墨丘利/The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury 157
108.小猪、绵羊和山羊/The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat 159
109.顽皮的驴/The Playful Ass 161
The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble 162
111.预言家/The Prophet 163
112.青蛙冒充医生/The Quack Frog 164
113.渡鸦和天鹅/The Raven and the Swan 165
114.富人和皮匠/The Rich Man and the Tanner 167
115.河与海/The Rivers and the Sea 168
116.玫瑰和不凋花/The Rose and the Amaranth 169
117.盐商和他的驴/The Salt Merchant and His Ass 170
118.蝎子和青蛙/The Scorpion and the Frog 173
119.蝎子和瓢虫/The Scorpion and the Ladybug 174
120.海鸥和鸢/The Seagull and the Kite 175
121.海边的旅行者/The Seaside Travelers 176
122.卖神像的人/The Seller of Images 177
123.蛇和鹰/The Serpent and the Eagle 178
124.蛇和锉刀/The Serpent and the File 179
125.母山羊和胡子/The She-Goats and Their Beards 180
126.牧羊人和狗/The Shepherd and the Dog 181
127.牧羊人和海/The Shepherd and the Sea 182
128.牧羊人和羊/The Shepherd and the Sheep 183
129.牧羊人和狼/The Shepherd and the Wolf 184
130.狼来了/The Shepherd’s Boy 185
131.牧童和狼/The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf 187
132.落水还不忘说谎的骗子/The Shipwrecked Impostor 189
133.落水的人和海/The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea 191
134.病鸢/The Sick Kite 192
135.病狮子/The Sick Lion 193
136.病牡鹿/The Sick Stag 196
137.蚕和蜘蛛/The Silk worm and Spider 197
138.麻雀和野兔/The Sparrow and the Hare 199
139.败家子和燕子/The Spendthrift and the Swallow 200
140.牡鹿、狼和羊/The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep 202
141.牛圈里的牡鹿/The Stag in the Ox-Stall 203
142.池边的牡鹿/The Stag at the Pool 205
143.燕子和乌鸦/The Swallow and the Crow 208
144.燕子和别的鸟/The Swallow and the Other Birds 209
145.燕子、蛇和法庭/The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice 210
146.天鹅和鹅/The Swan and the Goose 211
147.发胖的狐狸/The Swollen Fox 212
148.贼和他的母亲/The Thief and His Mother 213
149.小偷和看门狗/The Thief and the Housedog 215
150.贼和客栈老板/The Thief and the Innkeeper 216
151.小偷和公鸡/The Thieves and the Cock 218
152.口渴的鸽子/The Thirsty Pigeon 219
153.三个工匠/The Three Tradesmen 220
154.画眉鸟和猎鸟人/The Thrush and the Fowler 221
155.乌龟和鸟/The Tortoise and the Birds 222
156.乌龟和鹰/The Tortoise and the Eagle 223
157.城里老鼠和乡下老鼠/The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 224
158.旅行者和命运女神/The Traveler and Fortune 229
159.旅行者和他的狗/The Traveler and His Dog 230
160.两个旅行者和梧桐树/The Travelers and the Plane-Tree 231
161.树和芦苇/The Tree and the Reed 233
162.树和斧子/The Trees and the Axe 235
163.受诸神庇护的树/The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods 236
164.被俘的号兵/The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner 237
165.真理和旅行者/Truth and the Traveler 238
166.两个旅伴和熊/The Two Fellows and the Bear 239
167.两只袋子/The Two Bags 240
168.两只狗/The Two Dogs 241
169.两只青蛙/The Two Frogs 242
170.两只螃蟹/The Two Crabs 243
171.两个仇敌/The Two Men Who Were Enemies 245
172.两个罐子/The Two Pots 246
173.两个士兵和强盗/The Two Soldiers and the Robber 248
174.两个旅行者和斧子/The Two Travelers and the Axe 250
175.葡萄和山羊/The Vine and the Goat 252
176.毒蛇和锉刀/The Viper and the File 253
177.狐狸和狮子/The Vixen and the Lioness 254
178.核桃树/The Walnut-Tree 255
179.马蜂和蛇/The Wasp and the Snake 256
180.马蜂、石鸡和农夫/The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer 257