Chapter 1 向留学目的地出发
1-1 预订机票 Making an Airline Reservation
1-2 面签顺利通关 Get a Visa
1-3 飞行途中 Flying
1-4 入境转机 Arrival and Stopover
1-5 行李托运与领取 Luggage
1-6 海关申报 Customs Declaration
Chapter 2 找房子
2-1 租房信息 Renting Information
2-2 学校宿舍 Dormitory
2-3 你好,房东 Hello, Landlord
2-4 一起合租 Sharing a Room
2-5 谈论房子 Talking about Houses
2-6 分摊费用 Spreading Out Dues
2-7 又出故障了 Equipment Failure
Chapter 3 解决三餐
3-1 一起聚餐吧 Invitation to a Dinner
3-2 预订餐桌 Booking a Table
3-3 点餐 Ordering
3-4 吃快餐 At a Snack Bar
3-5 点评菜品 Comments on Dishes
3-6 结账 Footing the Bill
3-7 我要投诉 Making Complaints
Chapter 4 快乐出行
4-1 我迷路了 I’m Lost
4-2 乘坐公交车 Taking a Bus
4-3 乘坐地铁 Taking the Subway
4-4 乘坐出租车 Taking a Taxi
4-5 租车出行 Renting a Car1
4-6 停车场 Parking Lot
4-7 在加油站 At a Gas Station
Chapter 5 努力学习
5-1 课程选择 Curriculum Selection
5-2 教务咨询 Consulting
5-3 上课&笔记 Have Classes & Takni g Notes
5-4 课堂发言 Class Presentation
5-5 要考试了 Examination
5-6 在图书馆 In the Library
Chapter 6 结识朋友
6-1 初次见面 First Meetings
6-2 来,认识一下 Refering a Friend
6-3 再见 Goodbye
6-4 关心朋友 Caring for Friends
6-5 安慰朋友 Comforting Friends
6-6 鼓励朋友 Encouraging Friends
Chapter 7 购 物
7-1 买衣服 Shopping for Clothes
7-2 去食杂店 Going to the Grocery
7-3 买家具 Shopping for Furniture
7-4 退款& 换货 Refund and Replacement
7-5 讨价还价 Bargaining
7-6 结账买单 Payment
Chapter 8 课外生活
8-1 寝室里的那些事儿 Dormitory
8-2 校园爱情 Campus Love
8-3 假期出游 Holiday Travel
8-4 校园运动 Campus Sports
8-5 校园兼职 Campus Part-time Job
Chapter 9 观点表达
9-1 同意 Agreement
9-2 反对 Disagreement
9-3 怀疑 Doubt
9-4 肯定 Affirmation
9-5 满意 Contentment
9-6 抱怨 Complaints
9-7 责备 Blame
9-8 赞扬 Compliment
Chapter 10 银行& 邮局
10-1 银行开户 Opening an Account
10-2 银行存取 Deposite and Withdraw
10-3 网上银行 Online Banking
10-4 信用贷款 Loan
10-5 汇款转账 Remittance
10-6 兑换货币 Exchanging Money
10-7 挂失& 销户 Loss Reporting and Closing an Account
10-8 去邮局 Going to the Post Office
Chapter 11 约会庆祝
11-1 邀请聚会 Invitation & Visiting
11-2 节日庆祝 Celebrations
11-3 我们约会吧 Date
11-4 临行告别 Departure
Chapter 12 身体健康
12-1 健康饮食 Healthy Diet
12-2 运动健身 Exercise and Fitness
12-3 看医生 Going to the Doctor
12-4 描述病情 Disease Description
12-5 去药店 Going to the Drugstore