Visual storyteLting uses graphic design, infographics, i[tustration, and photography to convey information in the most etegant, entertaining, and informative way. Today, a new generation of designers, ittustrators, data journatists, and graphic editors is expanding the creative scope of existing visuat storytetLing techniques--meeting the formidable chatLenge of extracting vatuabLe news, surprising findings, and retevant stories from a dairy flood of data head on.
Visual Storytelling is the first book to focus solely on contemporary and experimental manifestations of visual forms that can be classified as such. The rich setection of cutting-edge examptes featured here is put into context with an introduction and text features by magazine expert And rew Losowsky as weft as interviews with the New York Times, Francesco Franchi, DensityDesign, Car[ Kteiner, Antoine Corbineau, GoLden Section Graphics, Les Graphiquants, and Peter Grundy.
A new visual language that is both informative and entertaining is emerging at the nexus of information graphics, illustration, and tactile design. More and more data is being collected. We can access ever more information at any time and from any place. The fundamental challenge now is how to extract the most valuable news, the most surprising findings, and the most relevant stories from the flood of information that is available to us. A new generation of designers, illustrators, and data journalists is addressing this challenge head on. They are developing a variety of new visual forms to depict information that can be classified as visual storytelling. The main idea behind visual storytelling is to take familiar image contexts and use them in a new way. By penetrating meaning and creating associations, abstract correlations can be visualized in a manner that is both easy to understand and aesthetically innovative. Today, visual storytelling is being used intensively in newspapers, magazines, websites, advertising, business reports, and museums. With its collection of inspiring, insightful, interactive, and entertaining examples, the book Visual Storytelling reveals how the contextualization of information is pushing the envelope of today's design and aesthetics.
Introduction by Andrew Losowsky
Part A Visual Storyteller
Les Graphiquants
Steve Duenes
Antoine Corbineau
Carl Kleiner
Peter Grundy
Jan Schwochow
Francesco Franchi
Part B Visual Stories
Breaking News
The Modern World