《PATTERN+PALETTE SOURCEBOOK》及附的光盘提供了具有无缝的几何图案,各种颜色调板中解决特定的设计需要。举凡平面设计师、艺术总监、织品设计、产品设计、网站图形的设计、广告公司等专业设计人员与学生提供了具实用性的参考。图示的CD包含互动的向量文件允许重设大小的主题图案和可更改适合自己设计的图案色彩。是一本色彩图案工具书。
Pattern and Palette Sourcebook 4, the fourth volume in Rockport's Pattern and Palette series, is an invaluable tool for art directors, designers, and students working in the fashion, product, and graphic design fields, as well as anyone in the business of visual communication. Divided into six unique style sections, this book illuminates the dramatic effect colors have in design, page after color-drenched page. Distinct designs that play off each other keep designers engaged and inspired, time after time.
As a bonus. Pattern and Palette Sourcebook 4 includes an interactive CD-ROM that contains vector files which allow readers to resize motifs and patterns and change colorways to suit their own design purposes.