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书名 寻找人生的坐标/英文爱藏
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 吴文智//方雪梅
出版社 宁波出版社有限公司











 爱自己?Love of Self?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 你即你所为?You are What You Do?

 宋美龄 / Mayling Song

 人生十个“不”?A Creed to Live By?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 如何学有所成?How to Learn with Success?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 让内心的灯指引你?Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 打造自己的生活?How to Build Your Life?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 生命的意义?The Meaning of Life?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 什么是重要的?What Will Matter?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 家族的信条?Our Family Creed?

 约翰?洛克菲勒 / John Rockefelter

 比金钱更珍贵的东西?Something Better than Money?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 设计自己的人生?Design Your Own Life?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 别人其实是你的一面镜子?Others are Only Mirrors of You?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 主动还是被动?Do You Act—or React??

 佚名 / Anonymous

 走自己的路!?Let Yourself Go!?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 给儿子的信?Letter to His Son?

 F.D.斯坦厄普 / F.D.Stanhope

 生命不息,奋斗不止?Where Is Life, There Is Struggle?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 成功之路,永不言迟?It’s Never Too Late for Success?

 佚名 / Anonymous 



 追梦人?The Dreamer?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 我有一个梦想?I Have a Dream?

 马丁?路德?金 / Martin Luther king, Jr

 人与机会?The Man and the Opportunity?

 奥里森?马登 / Orison Marden

 致富之道?The Way to Wealth?

 本杰明?富兰克林 / Benjamin Franklin

 每日皆奇迹?The Daily Miracle?

 阿诺德?贝内特 / Arnold Bennett

 谱写生命的乐章?Write Your Own Life?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 梦想永不止步?Never Stop Dreaming?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 过平静生活的代价是什么?What Is the Price of Personal Peace?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 我们需要梦想?We Need Dreams?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 生活是一所全日制学校?A Full-time School Called Life?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 重新定义自己?Redefine Yourself?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 克服困难?The Conquest of Obstacles?

 奥里森?马登 / Orison Marden

 人人有本难念的经?Every Living Person Has Problems?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 抓住机遇?Seize Your Opportunity?

 奥里森?马登 / Orison Marden


 拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生 / Ralph Waldo Emerson

 教育当然重要?Education Does Count?

 比尔·盖茨 / Bill Gates

 工作态度?Attitudes toward Work?

 佚名 / Anonymous

Chapter 3


 活出个性?An Identity of One’s Own?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 未来大有可为?Room for the Future?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 人尽其才?Out of Place?

 奥里森?马登 / Orison Marden

 你想有多优秀??How Good Do You Want to Be??

 佚名 / Anonymous

 友谊的色彩?The Color of Friendship?

 佚名 / Anonymous


 Have Just a Little Willingness to Celebrate Ourselves?

 亨利?大卫?梭罗 / Henry David Thoreau

 支持自己的观点!?Support the Decision You Make !?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 借 口?Excuses?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 千金一课?A Million Dollar Lesson?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 让自己轻松一刻?Give Yourself a Break?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 一双袜子?A Pair of Socks?

 威廉姆·莱恩·菲尔浦斯 / William Lyon Phelps

 瑕疵之美?The Art of Imperfection?

 佚名 / Anonymous


 All Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten…?

 罗伯特·富尔格姆 / Robert Fulghum

 一辈子要做的50件事?50 Things to Do Before I Die?

 佚名 / Anonymous

 创造力十大秘诀?The Top 10 Secrets of Creativity

 佚名 / Anonymous

 从A到 Z?From A to Z?

 佚名 / Anonymous



  Love of Self

   佚名 / Anonymous

  When I was younger, I thought that to love one’s self was vanity and not a virtuous trait. As I have grown older, that belief has passed away, as have so many others. There is a vast deviation between being vain and loving one’s self.

  We are all in this world together striving for more or less the same things. To conduct and have our lives count for something. To love and be loved. To laugh and... yes, to cry.

  We seek shelter, nourishment, a mate, warmth, clothing, family, friends; we seek approval, love and self-esteem. We are all imperfect. Often during our search we forget to simply enjoy what life is. We become so caught up in what could have been, what should be, what might be, that many of our today’s are lost. Let yesterday rest, live for today, hope and dream for your tomorrows.

  If there is some part of you that lessens your self-image, some part of you that prevents you from loving yourself, change it, for only you can. Life is filled with things we have no control over, but ourselves, we can control. You are the clay, you are the sculptor and you have the ability to create a masterpiece. The shape and form are there. You have only to refine the work.

  Is the task an easy one? No. There will be sips and flaws and you will be required to work and rework just as a sculptor must rework the clay before the piece is completed. Should the sculptor throw out the piece condemning it as worthless because of a blemish or nick? Of course not, where then would all the world's treasured art be? I doubt we would have any. How many masterpieces do you think have been created in one fell swoop, a first effort completely successful without error, without change? Is it possible we fail to see that mankind is the most marvelous of all works of art? A living, continuous, developing work of art.

  How often have you heard the question “what is the human race coming to”? The answer, in my mind at least, is whatever we make it, for we are the weavers of tomorrow. You are a treasure, beyond price, one of a kind, irreplaceable. Not perfect but well on your way to being a masterpiece. Do not let your yesterdays hinder tomorrow’s achievements.










  1. We are all imperfect. Often     our search we forget to simply     enjoy what life is. We become so caught up   

what could have been, what should be, what might be, that many of our today’s are     . Let yesterday rest, live for 

 , hope and dream for your tomorrows.

  2. Life is    with things we have no control over, but ourselves, we can    . You are the clay, you are the sculptor and you have the    to create a masterpiece. The    and form are there. You have    to refine the work.

  3. There will be sips and flaws     you will be required to work and rework just as a sculptor must rework the clay    

  the piece is completed. 佳句翻译

  1. 当我年纪还小的时候,认为自爱是虚荣作祟而非优点。



  2. 人类是有生命力的、生生不息的、不断发展的艺术品。



  3. 至少我以为它的回答是这样的:我们成就了自己,因为编织着明天的正是我们自己。




  1. We are all in this world together striving for more or less the same things.

  more or less:或多或少;有点儿;大约


  2. We become so caught up in what could have been, what should be, what might be, that many of our today’s are lost.

  catch up:缠住;很快拾起;赶上……





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