Now you can read and listen to these wonderful stories and songs for Christmas. This enchanting collection of new and traditional stories is brought to life on CD accompanied by music and favourite Christmas cords. Follow along as you listen to the words. When you ore ready, you con join in with the stories and sing along with the songs.
The First Christmas
Story retold from Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:9-12
Silent Night
Song lyrics translated from Joseph Mohr 1816
A Christmas Carol
Retold from the story by Charles Dickens 1843
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Traditional song lyrics 16th century
The Night Before Christmas
Story by Clement C. Moore 1822
Jingle Bells
Song lyrics James Pierpoint 1857
The Nutcracker
Retold from a story by E.T.A. Hoffman 1816
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Song lyrics Jane Taylor 1806
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Traditional rhyme
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Traditional song lyrics 18th century
My Christmas Treasury Song
Original song lyrics