Rudolf Traub-Merz
Industrial Relations in China, South-Korea and Germany
Part I- Collective Bargaining
Huang Renmin
Characteristics of Collective Wage Bargaining in China and the Practical Role of Trade Unions
Youngmo Yoon
Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining in South Korea- Moving
from Enterprise-level Collective Bargaining to Industry/Sectoral-level Collective Bargaining
Thorsten Schulten
Collective Bargaining in Europe- An overview
Reinhard Bahnmiiller
The Dual System of Representation in Germany: Structure and Current Developments
Part II- Dispute Resolution
Shen Qinqing and Pan Taiping
The Role and Function of Trade Unions in Resolving Collective Labour Disputes in China
Youngmo Yoon
Industrial Disputes and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in South-Korea
Thorsten Schulten
Conflict Resolution in Europe
Part III - Industrial Relations during Economic Crisis
Kinglun Ngok
Chinese Labour Law in the Global Financial Crisis
Qiao Jian
Lessons for China from Labor Policies during the Great Depression in the USA
Kiu Sik Bae and Rudolf Traub-Merz
How Can the Interests of Workers Be Safeguarded during the Economic Crisis in Korea?
Wolf gang Daubler
Workers' Rights in an Economic Crisis: Germany
Part IV- Atypical Employment
Kiu Sik Bae
Atypical Employment in Korea- Beyond the Standard Working Contract
Wolf gang Daubler
Beyond the Standard Labour Conti'act -Experiences from Germany
About the Authors