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书名 | 中国高等教育中影响外语教师教学动机因素研究 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-语言文字 |
作者 | 马文颖 |
出版社 | 复旦大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 马文颖编著的《中国高等教育中影响外语教师教学动机因素研究》调查了一所中国高校英语教师的教学动机。运用了自我决定理论和企业文化理论。有助于高校领导者制定行之有效的政策。同时本研究也检验了自我决定理论在中国环境下解释动机的应用能力。 内容推荐 马文颖编著的《中国高等教育中影响外语教师教学动机因素研究》调查了一所中国高校英语教师的教学动机。最近一些研究表明,士气低落和缺乏工作满足感成为高校英语教师的突出问题。低落的教师情绪会影响有效的教学,进而影响学生的成绩。虽然这一问题已尽人皆知,但对于影响这一问题的因素的研究是有限的。为了解决这一问题,一种连续解释的混合方法被采用,并分两个阶段在北方一所高校进行了研究。100名来自同一所大学两所不同学院的教师参加了本项研究。所有参加者均是英语教师:其中50名是英语专业教师;另外50名教师是公外教师。《中国高等教育中影响外语教师教学动机因素研究》运用了自我决定理论和企业文化理论。研究结果表明:(1)与以前的研究相比,这所高校教师的教学动机是自动约束型动机。(2)动机水平受个人经历和胜任需求、关联需求和自治需求的影响。(3)个人经历因素和环境因素如中国文化、社会因素和组织文化在调节教师的教学动机中起到重要作用。本研究结果有助于高校领导者制定行之有效的政策。同时本研究也检验了自我决定理论在中国环境下解释动机的应用能力。 目录 Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations Acknowledgments Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Background to the Study 1.3 Higher Education in China 1.3.1 Overview of the development of Chinese education 1.3.2 Structure of the higher education system in China 1.3.3 TEFL academics in Chinese universities 1.3.4 Social and political status of academics 1.3.5 Appointment of academic staff 1.3.6 Academic staff assessment 1.3.7 Promotion 1.3.8 Academics' salaries 1.3.9 Workload 1.3.10 Working conditions 1.3.11 Academics' professional development 1.4 The Study 1.5 Significance of this Research 1.5.1 The researcher's position 1.6 Northern University 1.6.1 Organisational structure of Northern University 1.6.2 The two research sub-sites 1.6.3 English teaching at Northern University 1.7 Aims of the Study 1.8 The Research Questions 1.9 Structure of the Thesis Chapter 2 : Literature Review 2.1 Overview 2.2 Theories of Teachers' Motivation 2.2.1 Achievement Goal Theory 2.2.2 Self-efficacy Theory 2.2.3 Expectancy Value Theory 2.2.4 Attribution Theory 2.2.5 Self-Determination Theory 2.3 Application of Self-Determination Theory 2.3.1 Basic psychological needs 2.3.2 Role of goals in achieving needs 2.3.3 Wellbeing 2.3.4 Cross-cultural studies of Self-Determination Theory 2.3.5 The limitation of Self-Determination Theory 2.4 Studies on the Motivation of TEFL Academies in China 2.5 Summary Chapter 3 : Conceptual Framework for the Study 3.1 Overview 3.2 Self-Determination Theory 3.2.1 The continuum of motivation 3.2.2 Autonomous motivation 3.3 Organisational Culture 3.4 Definitions of Organisational Culture 3.4.1 University culture 3.4.2 The levels of university culture 3.5 Confucian Moral Standards and Organisational Culture 3.6 A Framework for Organisational Culture 3.6.1 Competing Values Framework 3.7 Assessment of Organisational Culture 3.8 Empirical Studies in University Culture 3.9 Empirical Studies in Competing Values Framework 3.10 The Framework of the Study 3.11 Summary Chapter 4: Methodology and Methods 4.1 Overview 4.2 Methodology 4.3 Research Design 4.4 Participants 4.5 Measures 4.5.1 Demographic questionnaire 4.5.2 Research questionnaires 4.6 Procedure 4.7 Data Analyses 4.7.1 Preliminary analyses 4.7.2 Primary analyses 4.8 Reliability and Validity 4.9 Ethics 4.10 Summary Chapter 5 : Quantitative Data Analysis 5.1 Preliminary Analyses 5.1.1 Demographics 5.1.2 Descriptive analyses 5.1.3 Correlation 5.2 Primary Analyses 5.2.1 Research question 1 5.2.2 Research question 2 5.2.3 Research question 3 5.3 Summary Chapter 6: Qualitative Data Analysis 6.1 Profile of Interview Participants 6.2 Findings from the First Round of Interviews 6.2.1 Need for competence 6.2.2 Need for autonomy 6.2.3 Need for relatedness 6.3 Findings from the Second Round of Interviews 6.3.1 Dominant characteristics 6.3.2 Management of employees 6.4 Summary Chapter 7 : Discussion and Conclusion 7.1 Purpose of the Study 7.2 Conceptual Framework and Methodology 7.3 Summary of the Key Findings 7.4 Discussion of the Findings 7.4.1 The influence of personal experiences on motivation 7.4.2 The influence of social contextual culture on motivation 7.4.3 The impact of organisational culture on motivation 7.5 Implication for Theory 7.6 Implications for Practice 7.6.1 Enhancing the salary of TEFL academics 7.6.2 Improving leadership 7.6.3 Developing resources 7.6.4 Satisfying the three basic psychological needs 7.7 Limitations of the Study 7.8 Future Research Direction References Appendices Appendix A: Demographic questionnaire Appendix B: The Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers Appendix C: Basic Psychological Needs Scales at Work (BPNS-W) Appendix D: Subjective Vitality Scales (SVS) Appendix E : Aspirations Index (AI) Appendix F: Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) Appendix G: Letters to the leaders in two research sites Appendix H: Information sheet Appendix I: Example of the coding system Appendix J: Demographic information of participants in interviews Appendix K: The follow-up letter for the invitation of the interviewees Appendix L: Consent form Appendix M: Semi-structured interview schedule --Round 1 Appendix N: Semi-structured interview schedule --Round 2 Appendix O: Summary of interviews Appendix P: Feedback from COE and students in Semester 1, 2008 |
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