Rebecca Randall is one of seven fatherless children, but is full of fun and strange ideas. She leaves her family at Sunnybrook Farm and goes to live with her two aunts in Riverboro. There she goes to school for the first time, embarks on a madcap scheme to sell soap, nearly runs away,befriends the kindly stagecoach driver Jeremiah Cobb, and with 'Mr Aladdin' helps to repair her family's fortunes.
This charming story of the good-natured, but never goody-goody Rebecca has delighted generations of children on both sides of the Atlantic.
'We are Seven'
Rebecca's Relations
A Difference of Hearts
Rebecca's Point of View
Wisdom Ways
Sunshine in a Shady Place
Riverboro Secrets
Colour of Rose
Ashes of Roses
Rainbow Bridges
'The Stirring of Power'
'See the Pale Martyr'
Snow White; Rose Red
Mr Aladdin
The Banquet Lamp
Seasons of Growth
Grey Days and Gold
Rebecca Represents the Family
Deacon Israel's Successor
A Change of Heart
The Skyline Widens
Clover Blossoms and Sunflowers
The Hill Difficulty
Aladdin Rubs his Lamp
Roses of Joy
Over the Teacups
'The Vision Splendid'
'Tb' Inevitable Yolk'
Mother and Daughter
Goodbye, Sunnybrook!
Aunt Miranda' s Apology