《英国文学史(4)》主要内容包括了:Ⅰ. Introduction、a. Historical Background: Political and Social、b. General Cultural Background、c. English Poetry: 1900-1940、d. English Drama: 1900-1940、e. English Prose Fiction: 1900-1940、f. English Prose (Essays and Biographies): 1900-1940、Ⅱ. English Poetry: 1900-1920、a. Four Minor Poets at the Turn of the Century: Bridges,Masefield, Kipling, Housman、b. Gerard Manly Hopkins、c. Thomas Hardy和d. Georgian Poets and Poetry of World War I and Imagism in England等等。
Ⅰ. Introduction
a. Historical Background: Political and Social
b. General Cultural Background
c. English Poetry: 1900-1940
d. English Drama: 1900-1940
e. English Prose Fiction: 1900-1940
f. English Prose (Essays and Biographies): 1900-1940
Ⅱ. English Poetry: 1900-1920
a. Four Minor Poets at the Turn of the Century: Bridges,Masefield, Kipling, Housman
b. Gerard Manly Hopkins
c. Thomas Hardy
d. Georgian Poets and Poetry of World War I and Ira- agism in England
e. W. B. Yeats
Ⅲ. English Drama: 1900-1930
a. G. B. Shaw
b. J. M. Barrie
e. Granville-Barker and Drama at Manchester and Bir- mingham
d. The Irish Abbey Theatre, Lady Gregory, Synge
e. Scan O'Casey
Ⅳ. English Prose Fiction: 1900-1920
a. Conrad
b. Kipling
c. Galswisrthy
d. Wells
e. Bennett
f. Maugham
g. D. H. Lawrence
h. Robert Tressell
Ⅴ. English Poetry: 1920-1940
a. T.S. Eliot
b. W.H. Auden
c. Louis MacNeice, Stephen Spender, C. Day Lewis
d. Hugh MacDiarmid
e. Dylan Thomas
f. Robert Graves
g. Edwin Muir
Ⅵ. English Prose Fiction: 1920-1940
a. James Joyce
b. Virginia Woolf
c. E. M. Forster
d. Katherine Mansfield
e. Aldous Huxley
f. Grassic Gibbon
g. Lewis Jones
h. Richard Aldington
i. A. J. Cronin
j. George Orwell
k. Evelyn Waugh
1. J. B. Priestley
m. Grafiam Greene
n. Jack Lindsay
Ⅶ. Literary Criticism in England: 1920-1940
a. A General View
b. I. A. Richards
e. F. R. Leavis
d. Christopher Caudwell
e. Ralph Fox