The human beings started to build architectures in order to have a safe,comfortable and pleasant place to inhabit. It's been over ten thousands years sinceour ancestors started to use primitive materials to build hutches. Architectures areimportant part of man's history, representing the value and emotions of humanbeings. Architectures reflect the relationship between man and man as well as therelationship between man and the Nature.
Chapter One: The difference in view about the universe order between the Chinese and the Western architecture
I. Chinese architecture and the world view of "unity between man and nature".
II. Western architecture and the world view of "creator god creating the world and human beings".
Chapter Two: The difference in environmental awareness between the Chinese and the Western architecture
I. Be or of nature-the environmental concept of Chinese architecture
II. The geometric characteristics- the environmental concept of Western architecture
Chapter Three: The difference in construction technique between the Chinese and the Western architecture
I. Wood-oriented Chinese architecture
II. Stone-oriented Western architecture
Chapter Four: "Heading towards harmony between man and nature"- architecture in the future