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书名 岩石力学与矿井动力灾害防治国际学术会议文集(英文版)
分类 科学技术-工业科技-矿业工程
作者 王继仁
出版社 煤炭工业出版社

辽宁工程技术大学矿业工程学科是国家和辽宁省的重点学科,该学科学术和科研能力均处于国内领先水平。为进一步提升该学科的水平和综合影响力,学校定于2013年7月13日至14日举办“岩石力学与矿井动力灾害防治”国际学术会议。会议由辽宁工程技术大学主办,国家自然科学基金委员会、煤炭科学研究总院、德国克劳斯达尔工业大学、《煤炭学报》、《International Journal of Coal Science & Mining Engineering 》、抚顺矿业集团有限责任公司等单位协办。来自俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院、莫斯科矿业大学、美国南伊立诺伊大学、德国核工程研究中心、澳大利亚伍伦贡大学、昆士兰大学、日本九州大学,以及国内外院校和科研机构的70多名专家学者出席会议。王继仁所著的《岩石力学与矿井动力灾害防治国际学术会议文集(英文版)》是会议成果集结。


United Prediction and Risk Division of Mine Dynamic Disasters in the Eighth

 Mine of Pingdingshan

Environmental Measurements of Air at Underground Space

Research on Floor Heave Control of the Gob - side Entry Retaining with Large

 Section in Deep Mine

Deformation Behavior of Clay Rock

Model- Based Sensors and Simulation Cooperative Information Management Platform

 in Mine Dynamic Disaster Prevention

A Simplified Ground Mechanics Model of Longwall Mining with

 Cemented Backfilling

A Review of Hypothesis for Coal and Gas Outburst


Numerical Optimization of Pressure - relief Boring in Floor of Tunnel in

 Three- soft Coal Seam

Research on Outburst Proneness Evolution of Compound Coal-rock Structure

 Body with Numerical Experiment

Analyses and Control Technologies for Hidden Dangers of Room Method Goals

 in Shallow Coal Seam

Research on Microseismic Characteristics of Rock, Coal and Gas Outburst in

 Coal Mines

Experimental Study on Influence of Confining Pressure on Floor Rock Permeability

 in Stope

The Numerical Simulation of Rock Slope Deformation for Transition from Yanqianshan

 Open- pit to Underground Mining Chang Laishan Zhang Zhentao Tao

Analysis on Destruction Characteristics of Gas Explosion in

 Coal Mines

Discussion on Coal Mine Dust Prevention and Control


Coal -gangue Comprehensive Evaluation of Xilutian Coal Mine of Inner Mongolia Pingzhuang

 Energy Resources Co. , LTD He Bao Zhao Dongbo Xue Yingdong

Research on the Projected Model and Algorithm of the Movement and Deformation

 of Subsidence Basin under Mining Sun Chenliang Lei

Development Characteristics of Coal - bearing Sand Body in South - central of Tiefa Mining

 Area Both on the Prediction about Lithologic of Coal Seam Roof and Erosion Zone in Coal Seam

Ascending Mining Feasibility Study

Stability of Dip Bedded Soft Rock Slope in Surface Coal Mines Based

 on Displacement Monitoring

Hard Tectonic Structure Control Effect on Coal Stress and Gas in

 Heading Face

Strain Softening Model of Rock after Post - peak Strength with

 Confining Pressure

Particle Size of Flotation Feed Impact of the K - feldspar Sorting

Study on the Rock Mass Strength Influence on Slope Stability of Opencast

 Coal Mine

Research of Spatial Clustering of Discrete Points in the Direction

The Feasibility of Multi - seam Ascending Mining in a


Analysis of the Energy Evolution Mechanism in the Failure Process of the

 Surrounding Rock Mass in Deep Mining Roadways

A Study on Geological Factors to Control Gas Drainage of

 Boll Basin

Research on Dry Flue Gas De -fluorination Reaction Mechanism

Feasibility Analysis of Exploiting Protection Layer and Study on Protection

 Effect of No. 3 Coal Seam in Changping Mine

Analysis on Geological Structure Features and Gas Deposit Law

 in Hongling Mine

Determination of Rock Mechnics Parameters Based on the Hock- Brown


Numerical Simulation Analysis about the Initial Pressure of the Stope under

 Gob in the Close Distance Coal Seams

Experimental Research on the Dissipation Law of Pore Water Pressure of the

 Loess Basement Refuse Dump

Analysis of Stability of Sloping Base Inner Dump during Transition Alternative

 of Mining Area in AJL Surface Coal Mine

Research on Migration Laws of Overlying Rock of Fully -mechanized

 Top -coal Caving Mining in Steep -inclined

 Thick Coal Seam

Simulation Experiment Study on Infrared Radiation and Acoustic Emission

 Feature of Marble Water Inrush

Numerical Simulation of Self -heating and Its Influence Factors of Sulfide

 Ore Heap

Study on the Relative Mining Height of Paste - like Backfill Mining Based on the

 Measured Data

Stress Measurements of Deep Mining and Roadway Stability Control in Zhaogezhuang

 Coal Mine

Mining Face and Goaf Gas Drainage Technology Research

Strain Finite Element Analysis of the Slope Stress Criterion Based on D -P


Study and Apply of the Support Technology for Coal Roadway with High In - situ

 Stress in Deep Mine

Water Filling Condition Analysis and Measures to Prevent

 Water Disasters

Study on Stemming Length of the Top of Blast Hole by


Research on East No. 1 Dump Slope Deformation and Failure Mode of

 Weijiamao Open Pit Mine

Study on Rock Core Discing Mechanism Based on Stress and Energy


Application of Method for Measurement of CBM Pressure by Sealing

 Polyurethane and Water Slurry

Protective Layer Numerical Simulation Research on Deformation of

 Surrounding Rock under the Conditions of Different Mining


Dynamic Effect on the Ground Surface above the Mine Goaf Caused by an


Study on Optimization of Roadway Support and Law of Deformation

 and Failure of Surrounding Rocks with Tectonic

 Stress in Rectangle Roadway

Conversion and Utilization of Organic Matter in Coal


Competitive Adsorption Analysis of Multivariate Mixed Gas in the Coal Surface

The Theory and Application of Deep Hole Pre - splitting Blasting Improving

 Gas Extraction

Analysis of the Safety of the Haulage Roadway in the Open - pit Slope Mass

 Caused by Blasting Vibration

Coal Mine Emergency Mental Health Aid System Construction


Slope Finite Element Generalized Reliability


Analysis on Interference Force to Large Coal Particle Transport in

 the Pipelines

Open Pit Transport Path Optimization Method Based on Improved

 Ant Colony Algorithm

The Study of Coal and Gas Outburst in Vertical Shaft of High Gas

 Mine and the Prevention Measures

Numerical Simulation Analysis of Roadway Deformation

 Characteristic under Deep Mining

The Analysis on Roof Structure and Support Resistance in Extra - thick

 Coal Seam

Relationship between Inclined Coal Seam Gas Pressure and

 Inclined Length

The Application of EH -4 Electromagnetic Imaging System in Coal Mine

 Goaf Detection

Realization of Slope Stability Analysis Based on VFP Platform by Invoking

 ActiveX Automation Interface

Study on Mechanism Characteristics of CO/CO2 Inhibiting the Methane Explosion

 in Roadway of Coal Mine Jia Baoshan Wang Xiaoyun Zhang

The Analysis of Gas Dynamic Hazard

Study of Gas Accumulation in Upper Corner Managed by "Y + I" Type

 Ventilated Way

Tube System Application and Research in the Division of the Fully - mechanized

 Caving Goaf

The Application of the Magnitude Formula for Fitting Duration Time in

 Muchengjian Mine

The Analysis of the Relationship between Height - diameter Ratio and

 Rock Uniaxial Compressive Strength

Analysis of Permeability Improvement Effect of Mining Lower Distant

 Protective Coal Seam in Xima Coal Mine

Bolt- mesh -anchor Support Research for Deep Roadway in Da'anshan

 Coal Mine

The Study of the Numerical Simulation in the Evaluation of Slope


Feasibility Analysis of Mining Projects for Protected Pillars of

 Baijiahuangdi Village

Rock Mechanics Method Comparison on Slope Stability

Study on the Correlation of Shallow Source Earthquake and

 Mine Dynamic Disasters in Beijing

Study of Mine Pressure Appearing Law for Blasting Mining Face in

 Steeply Inclined Coal Seam

Research the Surrounding Rock Control and Law of Rock

 Pressure in Full -mechanized Mining Face in

 Thin Coal Seam

Simulation Study of the Yi'an Mine Protective Layer Mining Based on


The Numerical Simulation of the Size of Protective Coal Pillar under


Dumping Scheme Research of Yilan Open Pit Mine

The Determination Method for the Lateral Pressure in the

 Gangue -filling Compression Test





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