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书名 | 锦瑟东方(精) |
分类 | 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化 |
作者 | 马勇//黄滢//贾方 |
出版社 | 江苏人民出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 马勇、黄滢、贾方主编的《锦瑟东方》囊括中式、东南亚、或是印度、中东风格的住宅、酒店的室内设计案例。向读者展示了当代设计和东方古老文明相互碰撞产生的灵感火花。本书提供了不少融入东方各国本土文化传统、同时又体现创新特色的设计思和手法,室内设计师一定可以从此获得很多灵感,它将为现代建筑吹进一股华丽的东方之风,使现代建筑更具灵气。在这本书中,那些繁花似锦,灿烂明媚,如歌行板,行云流水的空间作品将成就一场赏心悦目的视觉盛宴。 目录 雍容中式 沉醉艺术空间,蕴养尊荣气度 An Artistic Space to Cultivate Dignity and Grandeur 中西合璧,雍容府邸 A Combination of Eastern and Western Culture in a Graceful Mansion 金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数 A Perfect Combination Leads to A Paradise 阑干倚处月华生 Resting by the Railing, Bathed in the Moonlight 清爽舒适,淡雅中式 Crisp and Comfortable, Elegant and Chinese-style 国学精粹,东方美境 The Essence of Chinese Ancient Culture and the Aesthetics of the East 传承丽江古韵,顺应山形水势 Inheriting the Ancient Charm of Lijiang; Following the Contours of Its Mountains and Rivers 海上四合院 A Quadrangle on the Sea 艺术空间,融汇古今 A Combination of Classicism and Modernity in an Artistic Space 能住的博物馆 A Livable Museum 浓情东南亚 时尚撞上古典,迸发风格火花 When Fashion Meets Classicism 大气格局,静养写意情怀 Magnificent Mansion for Spirit Cultivation 自然东方,生活长青 The Natural East, the Evergreen Life 光影游弋,自在闲庭 The Dynamic Light, the Leisurely Courtyard 深紫幽蓝,浓情美居 The Beautiful Residence of Purple and Blue 回归自然的东南亚风情 Return to the Natural Southeast Asian Charm 花果飘香,浓情雅居 The Elegant Residence in Mood and Fragrance 木色倾城,闲情逸居 Wooden Leisurely Residence 恋上东南亚,回归大自然 Fall in love with Southeast Asia, Return to Nature 别样混搭风,闲情东南亚 The Trend of Unique Mix and Match, the Leisure of Southeast Asia 海天别墅,岛上的隐逸假期 Villa Embraced by Sky and Sea, Leisurely Vacation on the Island 热带花园,坐享印度洋海景 Enjoying Views of the Indian Ocean in a Tropical Garden 凭栏处,自然风景如画 Commanding a Fine View of Landscape 本土风情,融入时尚设计 The Local Elements Integrated into the Fashionable Design 传统与现代的无缝对接 The Seamless Connection between Tradition and Modernity 神秘阿拉伯 丝路繁锦,古都神韵 The Silk Road, the Ancient Charm 豪华之巅,尊贵无限 The Utmost Luxury, the Extreme Nobleness 糅合奇幻梦想与不朽传统 A Mix of Fantasy and Monumental Tradition 异域风情,圣洁宁静 The Exotic theme, the Holy and Tranquil Atmosphere 瑰丽想象,沙漠绽放 The Rose Blossoms into Imagination in Desert |
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