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书名 | 美国文学选读(3)/高等学校教材 |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-成人教育 |
作者 | 杨岂深//龙文佩 |
出版社 | 上海译文出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《美国文学选读》由复旦大学外文系编注,共三册:第一册,美国独立革命到第一次世界大战;第二册,两次大战之间;第三册,战后到八十年代。 本书为第三册。本书每篇大多由“作者简介”、“题解”、“选文”和“注释”四个部分组成。有少数“选文”因可独立成章,有关评述已在“作者简介”中提到,“题解”便从略;还有少数“选文”较为明白易展,个别需要解释之处已在“题解”中作了说明,“注释”便从略。 目录 Vladimir Nabokov (1899--1977) The Admiralty Spire Anais Nin (1903--1977) Hejda Issac Bashevis Singer (1904--1991) Neighbors Robert Penn Warren (1905--1989) Birth of Love Theodore Roethke (1908--1963) Open House Weed Puller Tennessee Williams (1911--1983) The Glass Menagerie--Scene 5-7 John Cheever (1912--1982) The Enormous Radio Irwin Shaw (1913--1984) The Young Lions--Chapter 34 Ralph EUison (1914-- ) Invisible Man--Prologue, Chapter I Bernard Malamud (1914--1986) from The Assistant Randall Jarrel (1914--1965) The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner John Berryman (1914--1972) The Ball Poem Saul Bellow (1915-- ) Seize the Day--Chapter I Arthur Miller (1915-- ) Death of a Salesman--Act 2 Robert Lowell (1917--1977) For Sale Waking in the Blue For the Union Dead J. D. Salinger (1919-- ) The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 17, Chapter 22 Betty Friedan (1921-- ) How to Get the Women's Movement Moving Again Alex Haley (1921--1992) Roots--Chapter 33-36, Chapter 39 Jack Kerouac (1922--1969) On the Road--Part II Chapter 6 Kurt Vonnegut (1922-- ) Report on the Barnhouse Effect Norman Mailer (1923-- ) The Armies of the Night--Book I Part IV 2. The Marshal and the Nazi James Dickey (1923-- ) The Lifeguard Joseph Heller (1923-- ) Catch.22--Chapter 40, Chapter 42 James Baldwin (1924--1987) from Notes of a Native Son Flannery O'Connor (1925--1964) Everything That Rises Must Converge William Styron (1925-- ) Lie Down in Darkness--Chapter 1 Allen Ginsberg (1926-- ) America James Wright (1927--1980) A Blessing Edward Albee (1928-- ) The Zoo Story Martin Luther King Jr. (1929--1968) I Have a Dream Gary Snyder (1930-- ) Riprap Piute Creek Meeting the Mountains John Barth (1930-- ) Title Toni Morrison (1931-- ) Song of Solomon--Chapter I John Updike (1932-- ) A&P Sylvia Plath (1932--1963) Daddy Death & Co. Philip Roth (1933-- ) Goodbye, Columbus--Chapter 1-3 Le Roi Jones (1934-- ) Incident Marie Winn (1936-- ) The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family Thomas Pynchon (1937--) The Crying of Lot 49--Chapter 4 Joyce Carol Oates (1938-- ) Them--Book II Chapter 6 Sam Sheperd (1943-- ) Buried Child--Act 3 Alice Walker (1944-- ) The Civil Rights Movement: What Good Was It? |
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