Commands an immediate advantage over its competitors by including the newest words and phrases... Best of all is the dictionary's layout The editors have gone out of their way to simplify definitions.
A monument to common sense in defining English words and in revealing their richness and variety.
THE SCRIBNER-BANTAM ENGLISH DICTIONARY is the latest addition to Bantam's series of original dictionaries. The editors, under the guidance of the renowned lexicographer Edwin B.Williams, wanted to create a different kind of dictionary, a dictionary that is not only precise and up to date but that is written in good English. A teaching dictionary.The editors seem to have succeeded:When the dictionary was published two years ago, as a Scribner hardcover book under Bantam's license, it was praised widely for the clarity and beauty of its language.
The revised edition includes, again, many words and phrases that have never before appeared in an English dictionary, ranging from meltdown and hahnium (atomic number 105) to gas-guzzler and nerd, from videocassette recorder and spacefaring to Native Ameri can and Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. Such new entries, with other improvements, will further contn'bute to making THE SCRIBNERBAHTAM ENGLISH DICTIONARY the most useful portable guide to the English language today.
Staff and Consultants
A Guide to the Dictionary
Pronunciation Key
Abbreviations Used in This Dictionary
Principal Languages of the World
Indo-European Languages
Poreign Alphabets
Proofreader's Marks
Weights and Measures
Roman Numerals
Forms of Address