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书名 | 雷清泉文集(精)/中国工程院院士文集 |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-物理 |
作者 | 雷清泉 |
出版社 | 冶金工业出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 雷清泉院士是研究电介质材料和绝缘技术方面的专家,其学术思想和观点可以引领国内该方向的发展动向和研究热点,对整个工程电介质和绝缘方向的发展具有重要指导作用。雷清泉著的《雷清泉文集(精)/中国工程院院士文集》内容包括近些年发表的部分主要文章、近年来发表的、其中近半数收入三大检索的200余篇论文,重要报告、讲座的ppt以及部分珍贵手稿和照片。 内容推荐 雷清泉著的《雷清泉文集(精)/中国工程院院士文集》选录了雷清泉院士及其团队、合作者在不同时期发表的中文学术论文与外文学术论文,内容涵盖工程电介质的极化、电导、击穿、空间电荷效应、树枝放电及老化特性,材料结构表征及先进测试技术,还涉及高分子半导体、电流变及生物技术。特别收录了他关于工程电介质物理基础理论、空间电荷效应、纳米电介质复合物的关键科学问题等综述文章。 本文集对从事工程电介质、高电压与微电子绝缘技术、高分子材料学科等领域的研究生、教师及相关科研人员具有一定的学术参考价值。 目录 中文学术论文 一、论文篇 空间电荷对:PE薄膜电击穿的影响 低密度聚乙烯的热激电流峰温与场强关系 炭黑-聚乙烯复合物的导电特性 粉低密度聚乙烯的矿物填料改性 温度及湿度对不同应力模式下低密度聚乙烯薄膜电击穿强度的影响 电极材料表面改性对交联聚乙烯内空间电荷注入的影响 聚酰亚胺薄膜表面电荷的开尔文力显微镜研究 复杂运行条件下交联电缆载流量研究 低温胁迫对鲤红细胞膜表面结构的影响及相关基因分析 Mg:Mn:Fe:LiNbO3晶体的全息存储性能 双酚A环氧树脂/脂环族环氧树脂的共混改性研究 基于统计分析和模糊推理的运行交联聚乙烯电力电缆绝缘老化诊断 聚酰亚胺/TiO2纳米杂化薄膜耐电晕性能的研究 聚乙烯/银纳米颗粒复合物的分子动力学模拟研究 局部放电超高频信号时频特性与传播距离的关系 静电力显微镜研究二相材料及其界面介电特性 多铁材料BiFeO3的制备与表征 太赫兹波段表面等离子光子学研究进展 改性纳米Fe3O4与低密度聚乙烯组成复合介质的介电谱分析 粉导电炭黑填充EVA半导电电极对聚乙烯中空间电荷注入的影响 聚合物/无机纳米复合电介质介电性能及其机理最新研究进展 LDPE中掺入浮石粉对其空间电荷分布特性的影响 基于类耿氏效应的低密度聚乙烯中空间电荷包行为的模拟仿真 高直流电场下PET薄膜的电致发光及其可靠性 高介电常数的聚合物基纳米复合电介质材料 TSC/TSL联合谱在绝缘聚合物电老化研究中的应用 二、综述篇 谈谈对绝缘电介质的模糊认识——从事此领域五十年后的体会与深度迷茫 工程电介质理论的回顾、思考及对策 纳米高聚物复合材料的结构特性、应用和发展趋势及其思考 关于工程电介质中几个经常涉及的问题与思考 量子力学的希尔伯特空间矢量表示法 固体电介质的高场电导 三、报告篇 纳米电介质的结构及运动的时空多层次性及其思考 纳米电介质的结构及运动的时空多层次性及其思考(ICPADM) 四、讲授篇 电介质物理的理论基础 高压直流绝缘介质中的空间电荷效应及其抑制方法 纳米高聚物介电复合物的研究现状、方法及思考 介电现象及其近代应用 外文学术论文 Der Einflu北塔 yon Feuchtigkeit auf das Ladungsspei Cherungsverhahen von Polyethylen bei hoher Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung Thermallv Stimulated Current Studies on Polyimide Film Effect of Temperature and High Pressure on Conductive Behaviour of Polyacene Quinone Radical Polymers A New Method of Auto-separating Thermally Stimulated Current Electrical and Magnetic Properties of New Polyacene Quinone Radical C0-polymers Synthesized by Condensation Electrical Properties of Polymer Composites:Conducting Polymer—polyacene Quinone Radical Polymer SimuhaneoUS Thermoluminescence and Thermally Stimulated Current inPolyamide Improvement Upon Our Previous Method for Auto—separating Thermally Stimulated Current Curves Preparation and Characterization of Polyimide/A1203 Hybrid Films by Sol-gel Process AFM I mages of G1-phase Premature Condensed Chromosomes: Evidence for 30nm Changed to 50nm Chromatin Fibers Effects of Oxygen Plasma Treatment Power on Surface Properties of Poly(p-phenylene Benzobisoxazole) Fibers Bipolar High-repetition-rate High-voltage Nanosecond Pulser Short-term Breakdown and Long-term Failure in Nanodielectrics: A Review The Effects of Coupling Agents on the Properties of Polyimide/Nano-Al2O3 Three-Layer Hybrid Films Effect of Deep Trapping States on Space Charge Suppression in Polyethylene/ZnO Nanocomposite Theory of Modified Thermally Stimulated Current and Direct Determination of Trap Lvel Distribution Effect of Corona Ageing on the Structure Changes of Polyimide and Polyimide/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Films A Method to Observe Fast Dynamic Space Charge in Thin Dielectric Films Synthesis of Polyacene Quinone Radical Polymers by Solvothermal Method Electrical and Mechanical Property Study on Three-component Polyimide Nanocomposite Films with Titanium Dioxide and Montmorillonite The Property and Microstructure Study of Polyimide/Nano-TiO2 Hybrid Films with Sandwich Structures Growth of Carbon Nanofibers Catalyzed by Silica-coated Copper Nanoparticles FFIR and Dielectric Studies of Electrical Aging in Polyimide under AC Voltage Investigation of Electrical Properties of LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite Dielectrics Thermal Pulse Measurements of Space Charge Distributions under an Applied Electric Field in Thin Films Surface Morphology and Raman Analysis of the Polyimide Film Aged under Bipolar Pulse Voltage Reduction of Space Charge Breakdown in E-beam Irradiated Nano/Polymethyl Methacrylate Composites Characteristics and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Resin Surface Layers Fluorinated at Different Temperatures Rapid Potential Decay on Surface Fluorinated Epoxy Resin Samples Space Charge Suppression Induced by Deep Traps in Polyethylene/Zeolite Nanocomposite Smart Electrorheological Behavior of Cr-doped Multiferroelectric FeBiO3Nanoparticles Enhanced Dielectric Performance of Amorphous Calcium Copper Titanate/Polyimide Hybrid Film Numerical Analysis of Packetlike Charge Behavior in Low-density Polyethylene by a Gunn Effectlike Model Stepwise Electric Field Induced Charging Current and Its Correlation with Space Charge Formation in LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite The Application of Low Frequency Dielectric Spectroscopy to Analyze the Electrorheological Behavior of Monodisperse Yolk-shell SiO/TiO2 Nanospheres Flexible Self-healing Nanocomposites for Recoverable Motion Sensor Enhanced Dielectric Performance of Three Phase Percolative Composites Based on Thermoplastic-ceramic Composites and Surface Modified Carbon Nanotube Evolutions of Surface Characteristics and Electrical Properties of the Fluorinated Epoxy Resin during Ultraviolet Irradiation High Performance of Polyimide/CaCu3Ti4O12@ Ag Hybrid Films with Enhanced Dielectric Permittivity and Low Dielectric Loss 附录 院士手迹 |
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