The Complete Works of Voltaire presently being published by Oxford's Voltaire Foundation will eventually fill around one hundred and fifty large volumes. Alongside his historical and philosophical writings (most famously the Letters on the English Nation or Philosophical Letters), his epic poems and neoclassical tragedies (both generally derivative and mediocre), the biographical studies and the fifty volumes of his correspondence (like George Sand a century later Voltaire knew and corresponded with all of note) will be the philosophical short stories (contes pbilosopbiques) with which Voltaire's name is most frequently associated. ……
Candide is Voltaire"s greatest and most popular philosophical novel. A bestseller from its first publication in 1759, the story begins with the hero Candide"s expulsion from the Westphalian castle of Baron Thunder-ten-Tronckh for making love to the Baron"s daughter, Cunegonde. So begins a series of disastrous misadventures on a fantastic odyssey for Candide, Cunegonde and the incurable optimist,Dr. Pangloss. The author delights and dazzles the reader with his story-telling while educating,challenging and instructing.
The Castle of Thunder-ten- Tronckh
Running the Gauntlet
Escape into Holland
Pangloss on the Pox
The Death of the Anabaptist
An Auto-da-Fe
Cunegonde Re-found
Cunegonde"s Story
Deaths of the Jew and the Inquisitor
Embarkation for the New World
The Old Woman"s Story- 1
The Old Woman"s Story - 2
The Governor of Buenos Aires
Flight to Paraguay
The Jesuit Baron
The Girls and the Monkeys
El Dora"do - 1
El Dorado - 2
The Dutch Shipmaster
Martin the Manichaean
The Nature of Mankind
A Rich Dark Stranger in Paris
"To Encourage the Others"
Paquette and Friar Giroflee
Senator Pococurante
Supper with Six Kings
Voyage to Constantinople
The Galley-slaves" Stories
Cunegonde Found Again
Philosophy on the Propontis
Candide Sets out Again
The Hospitable Persian
A Favourite of the Sophi
Candide Loses a Leg
Governor Candide
Candide"s Seraglio
Zirza"s Story
The Abb3 Again
Candide is Disgraced
Pangloss and the Officer
Candide and the Lapp Wife
The Newtonians and the Parricide
Zenoida"s Story
The Wooing of Zenoida
Volhall Intervenes
The Jealous Cun3gonde
Candide Meditates Suicide
The End of Pangloss
The Last of Cunegonde
"Everything is Not Too Bad"