On Being Condemned to Death诀别前的演说
American Scholar美国学者
On Charity and Humor论仁爱与幽默
A Toast to Harvard and Yale为哈佛和耶鲁举杯
Unconscious Plagiarism无意的剽窃
The Road to Success成功之路
There Are Women Who Never Thought to Envy Men Their Manhood妇女从未恼恨生为女儿身
On Non—cooperation论不合作
Non-violence Is the First Article of My Faith非暴力是我的第一信念
Principles of Research探索的动机
Address by Albert Einstein to the Students at Caltech,1931爱因斯坦1931年在加利福尼亚理工学院对学生的演讲
On His Seventieth Birthday在七十寿辰上的讲话
Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself我们唯一不得不害怕的就是害怕本身
The Pleasure of Books阅读的喜悦
Fight for Liberty(The Final Speech of “the Great Dictator”)为自由而战
Be Ye Men of valour(Excerpt)你们要做个勇者(节选)
The Four Freedoms(Excerpt)四大自由(节选)
Madame Ctliang Kai—shek’s Address to Senate宋美龄1943年2月18日美国国会的演讲
UD(m Receivillg the Nobel Prize for Literature诺贝尔文学奖受奖演说
Shall We Choose Death我们该选择死亡吗?
Where Do We Go From Here我们将何去何从
On the Death of Martin Luther King,Jr.马丁·路德·金之死
Speech at the Welcome Banquet在欢迎宴会上的讲话
In Memory of the Challenger Astronauts缅怀“挑战者”号的宇航员
Speech on the Centennial Celebration of Peking University(Excerpt)恭喜北大建校百年(节选)
Address to the Millennium Summit在千年首脑峰会上的演讲
Address to the Nation on the Terrorist Attacks美国遭到恐怖袭击后对全国人民的讲话
Speech in Harvard-“Turning Your Eyes to China”把目光投向中国
The Queen’s Remarks on the 60th Anniversary of the End of WWII纪念二战胜利60周年演讲
The Fringe Benefits of Failure,and the Importance of Imagination失败的额外收益和想象力的重要性
Unleashing Your Creativity释放你的创造力
Strive for Balance in Life努力保持生活的平衡
Inaugural Address就职演说