Chapter 1 Definition of“Emerging Economies”
1.1 “Emerging Economies”: Concept and Historical Evolution
1.2 “Emerging Economies” Catalogues
1.3 Definition of“Ell” and “Emerging Economies”
Chapter 2 El1: Basic Conditions
2.1 Basic Scale Indicators
2.2 Basic Economic Activity Indicators
2.3 Basic Development Indicators
2.4 Core Product Output
2.5 Influence in International Financial Organizations
2.6 Global Trade and Cross-border Capital Flows
Chapter 3 E11: Economic Operation in 2009
3.1 Relatively Strong Economic Growth
3.2 Labor Market IsYet to Improve
3.3 Inflationary Pressure Picks Up on Rising Prices
3.4 Concern about Financial Bubbles Caused by Rising Asset Prices
3.5 Rebound in Primary Product Prices
3.6 Financial Market: Basically Stable but Not Recovered
3.7 Apparent Rebound in Export
Chapter 4 E11 and the Global Financial Crisis
4.1 International Trade and International Capital Flow as Channels for the Financial Crisis
4.2 Policy Responses of E11
4.3 The Challenges Ahead for E11
Chapter 5 E11: International Cooperation
5.1 E11:Trends and Models of Economic Linkages
5.2 Educational and Cultural Exchanges among E11
5.3 Interaction between E11 and the Globe: Financial and Economic Coordination Mechanisms
5.4 E11 and International Cooperation: Climate Change
5.5 E11: Prospect for Future International Cooperation
Chapter 6 Conclusions