When you need information about the latest practices,procedures, technology, and services in law office administration, you need this completely revised and updated edition of Merriam-Webster's Legal Secretaries Handbook. Topics covered include:
American Law and the Judicial System
Employment in a Law Office
Office Design, Equipment, and Supplies
The Computer and the Law Office
Telecommunications and Office Mail
Appointments, Meetings, and Trips
Business Letters and Forms of Address
A Guide to Punctuation and Style
Dictation and Transcription
Preparing and Executing Legal Documents
Docket Control and Records Management
Accounting and Bookkeeping
The Law Library
You can rely on Merriam-Webster for current, authoritative information about every aspect of establishing and maintaining the modern law office.
The newly revised edition of Merriam-Webster's Legal Secretaries Handbook puts all the latest information about operating a law office in a single volume that will quickly become the most-used reference on your bookshelf.
This valuable reference is filled with practical guidelines and useful tips drawn from the accumulated experience of a team of well-seasoned law-office administrators and managers. Its abundant examples make it easy to understand how to apply proven procedures for virtually every aspect of law-office operation, from receiving new clients and executing court papers to locating on-line legal resources and managing computerized calendar and records-control systems.
Because effective communication is critical in a law office, the Legal Secretaries Handbook features an extensive section on the conventions of punctuation and style.In addition, three useful appendices cover expressions to avoid in business writing,frequently confused and misused words,and a list of further reading for those who want to expand their understanding of law-office practice.
Today's legal secretaries and office managers are called on to handle more sophisticated and complex tasks than ever before, and they need a high-quality reference to guide them through the intricacies of the modern electronic workplace. Now they can turn to Merriam-Webster's Legal Secretaries Handbook, Second Edition for fast, reliable answers to the questions that come up most often in the modern law office.
1. American Law and the Judicial System
Classifications of Law 1
The American Judicial System 8
Court and Law-Enforcement Personnel 18
Court Procedures 22
2. Employment in a Law Office
The Legal Profession 29
The Law Office 36
The Legal Secretary 39
The Legal Assistant 42
Employment Opportunities 44
Applying for a Job 47
Successful Human Relations 61
Ethics 64
Training and Education 65
3. Office Design, Equipment, and Supplies
Office Design 70
Reprographic and Other Equipment 74
Office Supplies 78
4. The Computer and the Law Office
Computer Hardware 84
Computer Software 91
Supplementary Technologies 107
5. Telecommunications and Office Mail
Telecommunications 110
Fax Machines 114
E-Mail 119
Postal Services 121
6. Appointments, Meetings, and Trips
Client Appointments 128
Business Meetings and Conferences 136
Making Travel Arrangements 146
7. Business Letters and Forms of Address
Material and Design Considerations 156
Standard Letter Formats 158
Letter Elements and Styling 169
Envelope Addresses 182
Forms of Address 186
Letter-Writing Guidelines 205
Sample Letters 207
8. A Guide to Punctuation and Style
Punctuation 227
Capitals, Italics, and Quotation Marks 258
Plurals, Possessives, and Compounds 276
Abbreviations 294
Numbers 303
Legal Citations 318
9. Dictation and Transcription
Live versus Machine Dictation 324
Evaluating Dictation Equipment 325
Giving and Taking Dictation 327
Transcription 331
Meeting Minutes 333
10. Preparing and Executing Legal Documents
Obtaining and Maintaining Legal Forms 339
Preparing Legal Forms 342
Executing Legal Documents 347
Recording Legal Documents 351
Filing Legal Documents with the Court 352
Serving Court Documents 355
11. Docket Control and Records Management
Docket Control 358
Records Management 368
Types of Law-Office Files 372
Types of Filing Systems 376
Alphabetic and Numeric Filing 378
Handling and Storage of Records 384
12. Accounting and Bookkeeping
Accounting Procedures 392
Banking and Cash Transactions 400
Trust Accounts 404
Payroll 410
Billing and Collections 414
Computerized Accounting 417
13. The Law Library
The Electronic Revolution 419
Types of Legal Sources 420
Primary Source Materials 421
Secondary Source Materials 430
Managing the Law Library 437
Appendix I: Expressions (Cliches) to Avoid in Business Writing
Appendix II: Frequently Confused and Misused Words
Appendix III: Further Reading