Based on Charlotte Bronte's personal experience as a teacher in Brussels. Villette is a moving tale of repressed feelings and subjection to cruel circumstance and position, borne with heroic fortitude.
Rising above the frustrations of confinement within a rigid social order, it is also a story of a woman’s right to love and be loved.
1 Bretton
2 Paulma
3 The Playmates
4 Miss Marcbmont
5 Turning a New Leaf
6 London
7 Villette
8 Madame Beck
9 Isidore
10 Dr Tohn
11 The Portresse’s Cabinet
12 The Casket
13 A Sneeze Out of Season
14 Tbe Fete
15 The Long Vacation
16 Auld Lang Syne
17 La Terrasse
18 We Quarrel
19 The Cleopatra
20 The Concert
21 Reaction
22 The Letter
23 Vashti
24 M. de Bassompierre
25 The Little Countess
26 A Burial
27 The Hotel Crecy
28 The Watchguard
29 Monsieur’s Fete
30 M. Paul
31 The Dryad
32 The First Letter
33 M. Paul Keeps His Promise
34 Malevola
35 Fraternity
36 The Apple of Discord
37 Sunshine
38 Cloud
39 Old and New Acquaintance
40 The Happy Pair
41 Faubourg Clotilde
42 Finis