'In the writing of Barcherter Towers I took great delight,' Anthony Trollope recalls in An Autobiography.I Born in 1815, Trollope did not have a childhood filled with delight. His father's business as a barrister,and his attempts to farm, failed. His family, used to poverty, was eventually supported by his mother, Frances, who, late in life, turned to writing. Trollope experienced hard times at home and miserable schooldays at Harrow and W~mchester. 'I feel convinced in my mind that I have been flogged oftener than any other human being alive,' he wrote.……
Barchcster Towers is the second of Trollopes six Barsetshire novels, following on directly from The Warden, though each novel is complete in itself.The political intrigues of tile cathedral close unfold and we are delighted by the dominant Mrs Proudie, wife of the ineffectual Bishop: the scheming Chaplain, Obadiah Slope: and the worldly and ambitious Archdeacon Granth. We meet again, from The Warden, the kindly old Mr Harding, and his daughter, Eleanor, now newly widowed.
Trollopes comic genius and ironic wit reveal a past world, which is nevertheless recognisable today.
Who Will Be the New Bishop?
Hiram"s Hospital According to Act of Parliament
Dr and Mrs Proudie
The Bishop"s Chaplain
A Morning Vuit
The Dean and Chapter Take Counsel
The Ex-Warden Rejoices in his Probable Return to the Hospital
The Stanhope Family
Mrs Proudie" s Reception- Conunoced
Mrs Proudie"s Reception - Concluded
Slope Versus Harding
The Rubbish Cart
The New Champion
The Widow"s Suitors
Baby Worship
Who Shall Be Cock of the Walk?
The Widow"s Persecution
Barchester by Moonlight
Mr Arabin
St Ewold"s Parsonage
The Thornes of Ullatborne
Mr Arabin Reads Himself in at St Ewold"s
Mr Slope Manages Matters Very Cleverly at Pnddingdale
Fourteen Arguments in Favour of Mr Quiverfurs Claims
Mrs Proudie Wrestles and Gets a Fall
A Love Scene
Mrs Bold is Entertained by Dr and Mrs Grantly at Plumstead
A Serious Interview
Another Love Scene
The Bishop"s Library
A New Candidate for Ecclesiastical Honours
Mrs Proudie Victrix
Oxford- the Master and Tutor of Lazarus
Miss Thorne"s F&e Champ&re
Ullathorne Sports-Act I
The Signora Neroni, the Countess De Courey, and Mrs Prondie Meet Each Other at Ullathorne
The Bishop Sits Down to Breakfast and the Dean Dies
The Lookalofts and the Greenacres
Ullathorne Sports - Act II
Mrs Bold Confides her Sorrow to Her Friend Miss Stanhope
Ullathorne Sports - Act Ⅲ
Mr and Mrs Quiverful Are Made Happy, Mr Slope is Encouraged by the Press
Mrs Bold at Home
The Stanhopes at Home
Mr Slope"s Parting Interview with the Signora
The Dean Elect
Miss Thorne Shows her Talent at Match-Making
The Belzebub Colt
The Archdeacon is Satisfied with the State of Affairs
Mr Slope Bids Farewell to the Palace and its Inhabitants
The New Dean Takes Possession of the Deanery, and the New Warden of the Hospital