Set in the mid-nineteenth century and written from the author's first-hand experience, North and South follows thestory of the heroine's movement from the tranquil but moribund ways of southern England to the vital but turbulent north. Elizabeth Gaskell's skilful narrative uses an unusuallove story to show how personal and public I ves were woven together in a newly industrial society. This is a taleof hard-won triumphs - of rational thought over prejudice and of humane care over blind deference to the market.Readers in the twenty-first century will find themselvesabsorbed as this Victorian novel traces the origins of problems and possibilities which are still challenging a hundredand fifty years later: the complex relationships, public andprivate, between men and women of different classes.
Wordsworth Classics are inexpensive editions designed to appeal to the general reader and students. We commissioned teachers and specialiststo write wide ranging, jargon-free introductions and to provide notes that would assist the understanding of our readers rather than interpret the stories for them. In the same spirit, because the pleasures of readingare inseparable from the surprises, secrets and revelations that allnarratives contain, we strongly advise you to enjoy this book before naming to the Introduction.
Haste to the Wedding
Roses and Thorns
The More Haste the Worse Speed
Doubts and Difficulties
New Scenes and Faces
Dressing for Tea
Wrought Iron and Gold
First Impressions
Morning Calls
A Soft Breeze in a Sultry Place
The Mutiny
Masters and Men
The Shadow of Death
What is a Strike?
Likes and Dislikes
Angel Visits
Men and Gentlemen
The Dark Night
A Blow and its Consequences
Mistakes Cleared Up
Mother and Son
Comfort in Sorrow
A Ray of Sunshine
Home at Last
Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot?
False and True
Union Not Always Strength
Looking South
Promises Fulfilled
Making Friends
Out of Tune
Tbe Journeys End
Alone! Alone!
Margarets Flittin
Ease Not Peace
Not All a Dream
Once and Now
Something Wanting
Neer to be Found Again
Breathing Tranauillity
Changes at Milton
Meeting Again
Pack Clouds Away