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书名 IELTS9分写作(第2版)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 (澳)查尔斯
出版社 西安交通大学出版社

How to use this book Ⅳ


IELTS FAQs & Writing Band Descriptors(IELTS写作常见问题和评分标准)…1

Frequently Asked Questions (IELTS写作常见问题)…2

IELTS Writing Task 1 Band Descriptors (IELTS 写作 TASK 1评分标准)…6

·Task Achievement (任务完成情况)…8

·Coherence and Cohesion (连贯与衔接)…10

·Lexical Resource (词汇丰富程度)…12

·Grammatical Range and Accuracy (语法多样性及准确性)…14

IELTS Writing Task 2 Band Descriptors (IELTS写作 TASK 2评分标准)…16

·Task Achievement (任务回应情况)…16

·Coherence and Cohesion (连贯与衔接)…18

·Lexical Resource (词汇丰富程度)…20

·Grammatical Range and Accuracy (语法多样性及准确性)…22

Writing Task 1: Academic Module (学术类写作 TASK 1)…25

Question Types…26

Line Graph(曲线图)…28

·Question 1: Birth Rates in China and the USA (中国与美国的出生率)…28

Line Graph and Pie Chart (曲线图与饼状图)…36

·Question 2: Crime in the UK (英国的犯罪率)…36

Pie Chart (饼状图)…45

·Question 3: Leisure Activities in Europe (欧洲的休闲生活)…45

Table and Pie Chart (表格与饼状图)…53

·Question 4: Internet Use in Europe (欧洲的网络使用)…53

Table (表格)…60

·Question 5: World Metro (MRT) Systems (全球地铁系统)…60

Column Graph (柱状图)…68

·Question 6: Global Education Rates (全球教育率)…68

Bar Graph (条状图)…77

·Question 7: Plastic Surgery in South Korea (韩国的整形手术)…77

Diagram (流程图)…85

·Question 8: River Pollution (河流污染)…85

Diagram (Flow Chart) (流程图)…93

·Question 9: Mobile Phone Recycling (手机回收)…93

Diagram (Map) (地图)…100

·Question 10: Planned Shopping Centre Locations (购物中心预定地)…100

Writing Task 2: Academic & General Training Modules (学术类和培训类写作TASK 2)…109

Question Types…110

What Are Your Opinions on This (你的意见是什么) …113

·Question 11: The Internet (网络)…113

·Question 12: Fast Food (快餐)…122

·Question 13: International Tourism (国际旅行)…131

Do You Agree or Disagree (你同不同意) …141

·Question 14 Immigration (移民)…141

·Question 15: Jobs and Gender (职业与性别)…150

·Question 16: Cigarette Smoking (吸烟)…160

·Question 17: Endangered Species (濒临灭绝的生物)…169

Discuss Causes, Effects and/or Solutions (讨论结果、影响或提出解决方法)…179

·Question 18: Rural Depopulation (农村人口外流)…179

·Question 19: Distance within Modern Families (现代家庭的亲疏关系)…189

·Question 20: Declining Educational Standards (教育水准下滑)…199

Advanced Skills…208

Writing Checklist (写作检查事项) …210

Sample Question (样题) …212

Sample Question: Double Income Families (双薪家庭) …212

Sample Question: Streamed Education (因材施教) …224

Sample Question: Nature or Nurture (天性还是教养?) …236

Sample Question: Climate Change (气候变迁) …251

Writing Task 1: General Training Module (培训类写作 TASK 1)…265

Question Types…266

Formal Letter (正式信件)…269

·Question 21: Internet Connection Problems (网络问题)…269

·Question 22: Delayed Flight (班机延误)…278

·Question 23: Problems with a Rented Car (租车问题)…287

·Question 24: Low IELTS Score (IELTS 成绩不佳)…296

·Question 25: University Clubs (学校社团)…305

·Question 26: University Entrance Requirements (大学入学条件)…313

·Question 27: Missed Immigration Interview (错过移民面谈)…322

Informal Letter (非正式信件)…331

·Question 28: Saying Goodbye (道别)…331

·Question 29: In Hospital (住院)…340

·Question 30: Change of Plans (计划变更)…349

A Few Final Tips…358

·How to Approach IELTS (IELTS 高分小秘诀)…358

·Improve Your Spelling (拼写正误表)…360


  《IELTS9分写作(第2版)》(查尔斯编著)专为想要获取IELTS写作高分的考生而准备。本书针对IELTS学术类写作和培训类写作的Task 1、Task2分题型进行了分析。每种题型下的每道样题均提供两篇写作范文,其中一篇是高分范文。“句型示范”提供5分、6分、7分以上三个层次的例句,指导考生写出高分句子。“高分词汇”归纳了基础、中级和高级词汇,帮助考生学习并运用高级词汇。“综合练习”帮助考生掌握写作范文的重点并学习如何组织文章架构,练习语法以及学习写作词汇。此外,此版本在第1版的基础上增加了AdvancedSkills部分,新增4篇学生范文,并由IELTS资深名师对范文进行批改,考生可学习参考。

本书针对IELTS学术类写作和培训类写作的Task 1、Task2分题型进行了分析。每种题型下的每道样题均提供两篇写作范文, 其中一篇是高分范文。“句型示范”提供5分、6分、7分以上三个层次的例句, 指导考生写出高分句子。“高分词汇”归纳了基础、中级和高级词汇, 帮助考生学习并运用高级词汇。“综合练习”帮助考生掌握写作范文的重点并学习如何组织文章架构, 练习语法以及学习写作词汇。




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