本书主要讲述了Java 2复习的重点及其应掌握的知识点,同时书中还附有大量的模拟试题,以供考生自测使用。该书内容丰富,实用性强,是一本较为优秀的Java 2复习辅导用书。
Chapter1 Declarations and Access Control
Chapter2 Flow Control and Exception Handling
Chapter3 Garbage Collection
Chapter4 Language Fundamentals
Chapter5 Operators and Assignments
Chapter6 Overloading,Overriding,Runtime Type,and Object Orientation
Chapter7 Threads
Chapter8 The java.awt Package
Chapter9 The java.lang Package
Chapter10 The java.util Package
Chapter11 The java.io Package
Appendix A The Certification Initiative for Enterprise Development
When a local variable goes out of scope,it becomes inaccessible and therefore is no longer a valid reference to an object. Thus,it doesn't explicitly require setting to null.