Editors' preface
PART ONE Policy and practice
1.Language teaching analysis
2.Managing the second languge curriculum
PART TWO Defining objectives
3.Language teaching objectives
PART THREE Content options
4.The language syllabus:pronunciation
5.The language syllabus:grammar
6.The language syllabus:functional analysis
7.The communicative activities syllabus
8.The cultural syllabus
9.The general language education syllabus
PART FOUR Teaching strategies
10.The intralingual-crosslingual dimension
11.The analytic-experiential dimension
12.The explicit-implicit dimension
Proficiency,expressed as communicative competence,has the advantage of being very general and applicable to a wide range of situations. It is ,therefore,useful when a comprehensive but unspecified command of the second language is the goal.However ,it has the disadvantage of being removed from particular situations and uses of the L2.It is abstract and intangible and therefore difficult to apply.