1、预习每章开端所列的词句精选(Language Focus)。
2、与一友伴作会话训练(Oral Practice)。
3、研读作者附注的学习重点(Learning Point)及提示(Hint)。
4、在每章对话结尾尝试作答自由创作题(Open-ended Question)。
5、尽量以每章所学来完成最后的写作练习(Writing Task)。
1、Getting to know one another(彼此认识)
1.1 Introduce yourself(自我介绍)
2、Studies in the first term(上学期的学习)
2.1First Term Test(上学期测验)
3、Besides working hard,…(努力用功以外,……)
3.1 Keeping busy in the Lunar New Year Holiday(忙碌的年假)
4、The purposes of school education(学校教育的目标)
4.1 Easter Holiday(复活节假期)
5、Life ahead(前程)
5.1 Family education(家庭教育)
6、Life here in Hong Kong(香港的生活)
6.1 After summer vacation(暑假过后)
7、Make a better world (使世界变得更美好)
7.1 Failure is the mother of success (失败乃成功之母)
Hi,I am happy that I can write to you.My teacher told me that you are willing to be my pen-pal.I was very excited when Iheard that.