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书名 | 伊索寓言 |
分类 | 文学艺术-文学-外国文学 |
作者 | (古希腊)伊索 |
出版社 | 群言出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 伊索编著的《伊索寓言》为影响人类文化的100本书之一。世界上拥有读者最多的寓言始祖。特别奉送19世纪大师杜雷百幅原版精美插图。《伊索寓言》通过简短而精炼的小寓言故事来体现日常生活中那些不为我们察觉的真理。这些小故事言简意赅,平易近人,富有哲理。本书不但读者众多,而且在文学史上也具有重大影响。作家、诗人、哲学家、平常百姓都从中得到过启发和乐趣。 内容推荐 伊索编著的《伊索寓言》思想深邃、篇幅短小、比喻贴切、精采生动、寓意深远,后人经常仿效和引用,对后世的欧洲寓言作家有很深远的影响。文学由上层延伸到民间,吸取民间的养分,叙述风格也具有民间独特的幽默、风趣、诙谐。《伊索寓言》将下层平民和奴隶的思想彻底表现出来,从很多故事中,可以发现当时的社会问题,揭露古希腊社会的黑暗之面。本书深具哲理,具有很高的文学价值,因此成为世界上流传广泛的经典作品。 目录 The Wolf And The Lamb/狼与小绵羊 The Bat And The Weasels/蝙蝠与黄鼠狼 The Ass And The Grasshopper/驴子与蚱蜢 The Lion And The Mouse/狮子和老鼠 The Charcoal-Burner And The Fuller/烧炭人与漂洗工 The Father And His Sons/农夫和儿子们 The Boy Hunting Locusts/捕蝗虫的小男孩 The Cock and the Jewel/公鸡和宝石 The Kingdom of the Lion/狮子的王道 The Wolf and the Crane/狼和鹤 The Fisherman Piping/吹箫的渔夫 Hercules and the Wagoner/大力神和车夫 The Ants and the Grasshopper/蚂蚁和蚱蜢 The Traveler and His Dog/行人和他的狗 The Dog and the Shadow/狗与影子 The Mole and His Mother/小鼹鼠和妈妈 The Herdsman and the Lost Bull/牧人和小牛犊 The Hare and the Tortoise/龟兔赛跑 The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble/石榴树、苹果树和荆棘 The Farmer and the Stork/农夫和鹳 The Farmer and the Snake/农夫和蛇 The Fawn and His Mother/小鹿和妈妈 The Bear and the Fox/熊和狐狸 The Swallow and the Crow/小燕子和乌鸦 The Mountain in Labor/山震 The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion/驴子、狐狸和狮子 The Tortoise and the Eagle/乌龟和老鹰 The Flies and the Honey-Pot/苍蝇和蜂蜜 The Man and the Lion/人和狮子 The Farmer and the Cranes/农夫和鹤 The Dog in the Manger/食槽中的狗 The Fox and the Goat/狐狸和山羊 The Bear and the Two Travelers/熊和两个过路人 The Oxen and the Axle-Trees/牛和车轴 The Thirsty Pigeon/口渴的鸽子 The Raven and the Swan/乌鸦和天鹅 The Goat and the Goatherd/山羊和牧羊人 The Miser/守财奴 The Sick Lion/病狮 The Horse and Groom/马和马夫 The Ass and the Lapdog/驴和哈巴狗 The Lioness/母狮 The Boasting Traveler/自吹自擂的人 The Cat and the Cock/猫和公鸡 The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat/小猪、绵羊和山羊 The Boy and the Filberts/男孩和榛子 The Lion in Love/坠入爱河的狮子 The Laborer and the Snake/农夫和咬死他儿子的蛇 The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing/披着羊皮的狼 The Ass and the Mule/驴子和骡子 The Frogs Asking for a King/吁求国王的青蛙 The Boys and the Frogs/男孩和青蛙 The Sick Stag/病鹿 The Salt Merchant and His Ass/盐商和他的驴子 The Oxen and the Butchers/公牛和屠夫 The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox/狮子、老鼠和狐狸 The Vain Jackdaw/徒劳的寒鸦 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats/牧羊人和野羊群 The Mischievous Dog/系铃铛的狗 The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail/失去了尾巴的狐狸 The Boy and the Nettles/男孩和荨麻 The Man and His Two Sweethearts/一个男人和他的两个情妇 The Astronomer/天文学家 The Wolves and the Sheepdogs/狼群和牧羊犬 The Old Woman and the Physician/老妇人和医生 The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle/争斗的公鸡和老鹰 The Charger and the Miller/战马和磨坊主 The Fox and the Monkey/狐狸和猴子 The Horse and His Rider/马和骑兵 The Belly and the Members/肚子和身体的其他成员 The Vine and the Goat/葡萄藤和山羊 Jupiter and the Monkey/朱庇特和猴子 The Widow and Her Little Maidens/寡妇和女仆 The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf/放羊娃和狼 The Cat and the Birds/猫和小鸟 The Kid and the Wolf/小孩和狼 The Ox and the Frog/公牛和青蛙 The Shepherd and the Wolf/牧羊人和小狼 The Father and His Two Daughters/父亲和两个女儿 The Farmer and His Sons/农民和他的孩子们 The Crab and Its Mother/螃蟹和蟹妈妈 The Heifer and the Ox/小牛和老牛 The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice/燕子、蛇和法院 The Thief and His Mother/小偷和他的母亲 The Old Man and Death/老头和死神 The Fir-Tree and the Bramble/杉树和荆棘 The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk/老鼠、青蛙和老鹰 The Man Bitten by a Dog/被狗咬了的人 The Two Pots/陶罐和铜罐 The Wolf and the Sheep/狼和绵羊 The Aethiop/埃塞俄比亚人 The Fisherman and His Nets/渔夫和鱼网 The Huntsman and the Fisherman/猎人和渔夫 The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar/老妇人和酒瓶 The Fox and the Crow/狐狸和乌鸦 The Two Dogs/两只狗 The Stag in the Ox-Stall/躲进牛栏里的雄鹿 The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons/老雕、鹞鹰和鸽子 The Widow and the Sheep/寡妇和羊 The Wild Ass and the Lion/野驴和狮子 The Eagle and the Arrow/老鹰和箭头 The Sick Kite/病重的鹞鹰 The Lion and the Dolphin/狮子和海豚 The Lion and the Boar/狮子和野猪 The One-Eyed Doe/瞎了一只眼的鹿 The Shepherd and the Sea/牧人和大海 The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion/驴子、公鸡和狮子 The Mice and the Weasels/老鼠和黄鼠狼 The Mice in Council/开会的老鼠 The Wolf and the Housedog/狼和看家狗 The Rivers and the Sea/河流和海洋 The Playful Ass/贪玩的驴子 The Three Tradesmen/三个匠人 The Master and His Dogs/农夫与狗 The Wolf and the Shepherds/狼和牧人 The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat/海豚、鲸鱼和小鲱鱼 The Ass Carrying the Image/驮着雕像的驴子 The Two Travelers and the Axe/两个过路人和斧子 The Old Lion/年老的狮子 The Old Hound/年迈的猎犬 The Bee and Jupiter/蜜蜂和朱庇特 The Milk-Woman and Her Pail/挤奶女工和她的桶 The Seaside Travelers/海边的行人 The Brazier and His Dog/铜匠与狗 The Ass and His Shadow/驴子和他的影子 The Ass and His Masters/驴子和主人 The Oak and the Reeds/橡树和芦苇 The Fisherman and the Little Fish/渔夫和小鱼 The Hunter and the Woodman/猎人和砍柴人 The Wild Boar and the Fox/野猪和狐狸 The Lion in a Farmyard/宅院里的狮子 Mercury and the Sculptor/赫耳墨斯和雕塑家 The Swan and the Goose/天鹅和鹅 The Swollen Fox/发福的狐狸 The Fox and the Woodcutter/狐狸和伐木工 The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock/捕鸟人、鹌鹑和公鸡 The Monkey and the Fishermen/猴子和渔夫们 The Flea and the Wrestler/跳蚤和大力士 The Two Frogs/两只青蛙 The Cat and the Mice/猫和老鼠 The Two Frogs/两只青蛙 The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox/狮子、熊和狐狸 The Doe and the Lion/母鹿和狮子 The Farmer and the Fox/农夫和狐狸 The Seagull and the Kite/海鸥和鹞鹰 The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury/哲学家、蚂蚁和赫耳墨斯 The Mouse and the Bull/老鼠和公牛 The Lion and the Hare/狮子和兔子 The Peasant and the Eagle/农夫和老鹰 The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter/赫耳墨斯和木匠 The Bull and the Goat/公牛和山羊 The Dancing Monkeys/跳舞的猴子 The Fox and the Leopard/狐狸和豹 The Monkeys and Their Mother/猴子和他们的母亲 The Oaks and Jupiter/橡树和朱庇特 The Hare and the Hound/野兔和猎狗 The Traveler and Fortune/行人和命运女神 The Bald Knight/秃子骑手 The Shepherd and the Dog/牧羊人和狗 The Lamp/油灯 The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass/狮子、狐狸和驴子 The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild-Boar Hunter/公牛、母狮和猎人 The Oak and the Woodcutters/橡树和伐木工 The Hen and the Golden Eggs/下金蛋的母鸡 The Ass and the Frogs/驴子和青蛙 The Crow and the Raven/乌鸦和渡鸦 The Trees and the Axe/树木和斧头 The Crab and the Fox/螃蟹和狐狸 The Woman and Her Hen/妇女和母鸡 The Ass and the Old Shepherd/驴子和老牧人 The Kites and the Swans/鹞鹰和天鹅 The Hares and the Foxes/兔子和狐狸 The Bowman and Lion/弓箭手和狮子 The Camel/骆驼 The Wasp and the Snake/黄蜂和蛇 The Dog and the Hare/猎狗和兔子 The Bull and the Calf/公牛和牛犊 The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep/雄鹿、狼和羊 The Peacock and the Crane/孔雀和仙鹤 The Fox and the Hedgehog/狐狸和刺猬 The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow/老鹰、猫和野猪 The Thief and the Innkeeper/小偷和旅店掌柜 The Mule/骡子 The Hart and the Vine/雄鹿和葡萄藤 The Serpent and the Eagle/蛇和老鹰 The Crow and the Pitcher/乌鸦和水罐 The Wolf and the Fox/狼和狐狸 The Walnut-Tree/胡桃树 The Gnat and the Lion/蚊子和狮子 The Monkey and the Dolphin/猴子和海豚 The Jackdaw and the Doves/寒鸦和鸽子 The Horse and the Stag/马和雄鹿 The Kid and the Wolf/小羊和狼 The Prophet/预言家 The Thief and the Housedog/小偷和看家狗 The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog/人、马、公牛和狗 The Apes and the Two Travelers/猿猴和两个行人 The Wolf and the Shepherd/狼和牧羊人 The Hares and the Lions/兔子和狮子 The Lark and Her Young Ones/百灵鸟和她的孩子们 The Fox and the Lion/没见过狮子的狐狸 The Weasel and the Mice/黄鼠狼和老鼠 The Boy Bathing/游泳的男孩 The Ass and the Wolf/驴子和狼 The Seller of Images/卖神像的人 The Fox and the Grapes/狐狸和葡萄 The Man and His Wife/丈夫和妻子 The Peacock and Juno/孔雀和朱诺 The Hawk and the Nightingale/老雕和夜莺 The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox/狗、公鸡和狐狸 The Wolf and the Goat/狼和山羊 The Lion and the Bull/狮子和公牛 The Goat and the Ass/山羊和驴子 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse/田鼠和家鼠 The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape/狼、狐狸和猿猴 The Fly and the Draught-Mule/苍蝇和赶路的骡子 The Fishermen/渔夫们 The Lion and the Three Bulls/狮子和三头公牛 The Fowler and the Viper/捕鸟人和毒蛇 The Horse and the Ass/马和驴子 The Fox and the Mask/狐狸和面具 The Geese and the Cranes/鹅和鹤 The Blind Man and the Whelp/盲人和狼崽 The Dogs and the Fox/狗群和狐狸 The Cobbler Turned Doctor/开始行医的鞋匠 The Wolf and the Horse/狼和马 The Brother and the Sister/姐弟俩 The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer/黄蜂、鹌鹑和农夫 The Crow and Mercury/乌鸦和赫耳墨斯 The North Wind and the Sun/北风和太阳 The Two Men Who Were Enemies/两个对手 The Gamecocks and the Partridge/斗鸡和鹌鹑 The Quack Frog/青蛙医生 The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox/狮子、狼和狐狸 The Dog's House/狗的房子 The Wolf and the Lion/狼和狮子 The Wolf and the Lion/狼和夺食的狮子 The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat/鸟、野兽和蝙蝠 The Spendthrift and the Swallow/挥霍者和燕子 The Owl and the Birds/猫头鹰和鸟 The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner/被俘的号兵 The Ass in the Lion's Skin/披着狮子皮的驴子 The Sparrow and the Hare/麻雀和兔子 The Flea and the Ox/跳蚤和公牛 The Goods and the Ills/善与恶 The Dove and the Crow/鸽子和乌鸦 Mercury and the Workman/赫耳墨斯和砍柴人 The Eagle and the Jackdaw/老鹰和寒鸦 The Fox and the Crane/狐狸和鹤 Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus/朱庇特、尼普顿、密涅瓦和摩墨斯 The Eagle and the Fox/老鹰和狐狸 The Man and the Satyr/人和森林之神 The Ass and His Purchaser/驴子和买主 The Two Bags/两个袋子 The Stag at the Pool/池塘边的雄鹿 The Jackdaw and the Fox/寒鸦和狐狸 The Lark Burying Her Father/孝顺的百灵鸟 The Gnat and the Bull/蚊子和公牛 The Bitch and Her Whelps/母狗和她的小狗 The Dogs and the Hides/狗群和牛皮 The Shepherd and the Sheep/牧羊人和羊 The Grasshopper and the Owl/蚱蜢和猫头鹰 The Monkey and the Camel/猴子和骆驼 The Peasant and the Apple-Tree/农民和苹果树 The Two Soldiers and the Robber/两个士兵和强盗 The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods/众神保护的树 The Mother and the Wolf/妇人和狼 The Ass and the Horse/驴子和马 Truth and the Traveler/真理和行人 The Manslayer/杀人犯 The Lion and the Fox/狮子和狐狸 The Lion and the Eagle/狮子和老鹰 The Hen and the Swallow/母鸡和燕子 The Buffoon and the Countryman/小丑和农夫 The Crow and the Serpent/乌鸦和大蛇 The Hunter and the Horseman/猎人和骑手 The King's Son and the Painted Lion/王子和画中的狮子 The Cat and Venus/猫和维纳斯 The She-Goats and Their Beards/母山羊和他们的胡须 The Camel and the Arab/骆驼和阿拉伯人 The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass/磨坊主、他的儿子和驴子 The Crow and the Sheep/乌鸦和羊 The Fox and the Bramble/狐狸和荆棘 The Dog and the Oyster/狗和牡蛎 The Ant and the Dove/蚂蚁和鸽子 The Partridge and the Fowler/鹌鹑和捕鸟人 The Flea and the Man/跳蚤和人 The Thieves and the Cock/小偷和公鸡 The Dog and the Cook/狗和厨子 The Travelers and the Plane-Tree/行人和梧桐树 The Hares and the Frogs/兔子和青蛙 The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant/狮子、朱庇特和大象 The Lamb and the Wolf/小绵羊和狼 The Rich Man and the Tanner/富翁和皮匠 The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea/遭遇海难的人和海 The Mules and the Robbers/骡子和强盗 The Viper and the File/毒蛇和锉刀 The Lion and the Shepherd/狮子和牧羊人 The Camel and Jupiter/骆驼和朱庇特 The Panther and the Shepherds/豹和牧羊人 The Ass and the Charger/驴子和战马 The Eagle and His Captor/老鹰和猎人 The Bald Man and the Fly/秃子和苍蝇 The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree/橄榄树和无花果树 The Eagle and the Kite/老鹰和鹞鹰 The Ass and His Driver/驴子和赶驴人 The Thrush and the Fowler/画眉鸟和捕鸟人 The Rose and the Amaranth/玫瑰和苋菜 The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun/青蛙对太阳的抱怨 The Fox and the Lion/狐狸和狮子 The Wolves and the Sheep/狼群和羊群 The Fox and the Monkey/狐狸和猴子 试读章节 狼与小绵羊 一只狼遇见了一只迷路失群的小绵羊,就想先找一些理由,向小绵羊证明自己有吃掉他的权利。他就说:“小鬼!你去年曾经辱骂过我。”小绵羊可怜兮兮地说:“事实上,我去年还没有出生呢。”狼又说:“你偷吃过我草地上的草。”小羊回答说:“不,好心的先生,我至今还没有尝过草的味道呢。”狼又说道:“你喝过我井里的水。”小羊喊道:“不,我从没有喝过水,因为到目前为止,母亲的奶汁就是我全部的食物。”狼一听这话,再也忍耐不住了,便一把抓住他,把他吃下去了,说:“不管你怎样为自己辩解,终究我是要把你吃掉的!” 对于那些下定决心要做坏事的^来说,任可正当的辩解都是没有用的。 蝙蝠与黄鼠狼 黄鼠狼看见蝙蝠跌在地上,就赶快上前抓住他。这时,已经奄奄一息的蝙蝠不断地哀求黄鼠狼饶命。黄鼠狼回答说:“不可饶恕!因为我是一切鸟类的天敌。”可是蝙蝠说,他是鼠类,不是鸟类。听完蝙蝠的话后,黄鼠狼就把他放了。不久之后,蝙蝠又跌在地上,落人了另外一只黄鼠狼的“魔爪”。蝙蝠再次恳求黄鼠狼放过他。这只黄鼠狼声称痛恨一切鼠类,蝙蝠就说自己不是鼠类,而是鸟类。这只黄鼠狼又放了他。就这样,蝙蝠两次更名换姓,轻易地使自己摆脱了困境。 驴子与蚱蜢 一只蚱蜢在唱歌,他那悦耳、悠扬的声音令驴子非常着迷。于是,驴子就向蚱蜢请教:“你们究竟吃了什么,竟能唱出如此动听的歌?”蚱蜢回答道:“露水。”从此之后,驴子就每天只喝露水,最终悲惨地饿死了。 如果我们执意追求非分之物,最终不仅两手空空,而且会招来灾祸。 狮子和老鼠 有一次,狮子正在美美地睡大觉,这时一只老鼠偏偏在他的身上爬来爬去。狮子被弄醒后一把抓住老鼠,就要把他吞下肚去。老鼠苦苦哀求狮子饶命,并且许诺今后一定报答他。狮子觉得非常可笑,不过还是把老鼠放了。谁知不久之后,老鼠就有了报恩的机会。原来,有几个猎人抓住了狮子,并用绳子紧紧地把他绑在树上。听到狮子呻吟,老鼠就马上赶来,用自己的牙齿咬断了绳子,救出了狮子。老鼠对狮子说:“当初我说要报答你的时候,你还不屑一顾,取笑我。现在你应该明白了吧,连一只小小的老鼠也是懂得,并且有能力知恩图报的。” 世事变化多端,有时强者也需要依靠弱者的帮助的。 烧炭人与漂洗工 烧炭人在一所房子里做生意,后来附近又来了一个漂洗工。于是,烧炭人就提议,漂洗工搬来和自己一起居住,既然挨得这么近,合住一间房子可以省掉不少开支。可是,他的建议被漂洗工拒绝了:“万万不可!如果咱们住一起,那么我刚漂白的东西,就会马上被你的煤烟弄脏的。” 本质上不相同的东西是不能混合在一起的。 农夫和儿子们 农夫的儿子们总是吵闹不休。农夫绞尽脑汁也没办法让他们停止争吵。后来,农夫决定用事实来教育他们。他先是叫孩子们拿几捆树条来,等他们拿来之后,农夫分别给了他们一捆,并吩咐他们把手中的树条折断。儿子们一个个都使出了浑身解数,可是谁也无法把树条折断。这时,农夫将捆着树条的绳子拆掉,然后抽出其中一根交给他们。树条就被轻而易举地折断了。于是,农夫语重心长地对儿子们说:“你们也和这捆树条一样,只要你们和睦相处、团结一致,你们就是无法战胜 捕蝗虫的小男孩 一个男孩在城墙外面抓到了很多蝗虫。忽然他看到一只蝎子,错误地以为他也是蝗虫,于是弓起双手,想要把他困住。不料,蝎子伸出毒钩,得意扬扬地说道:“你尽管来试试看,如果你敢这样做,我就叫你马上失掉你抓到的全部蝗虫。” 谨慎很重要。P1-6 书评(媒体评论) 《伊索寓言》大可看得。它至少给予我们三种安慰。第一,这是一本古代的书,读了可以增进我们对于现代文明的骄傲。第二,它是一本小孩子读物,看了愈觉得我们是成人了,已超出那些幼稚的见解。第三呢,这部书差不多都是讲禽兽的,从禽兽变到人,你看这中间需要多少进化历程! ——钱锺书 |
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