尉建文、曾佳宁编著的《转型与推进(解读中国新型城镇 化)》介绍了,新型城镇化是指坚持以人为本,以新 型工业化为动力,以统筹兼顾为原则,推动城市现代 化、城市集群化、城市生态化、农村城镇化,全面提 升城镇化质量和水平,走科学发展、集约高效、功能 完善、环境友好、社会和谐、个性鲜明、城乡一体、 大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的城镇化道路。
《转型与推进(解读中国新型城镇化)(英文版)》由尉建文、曾佳宁编著,讲述了:New-type urbanization is defined as a people-oriented urbanization path that is driven by new industrialization, steered toward coordination, and aimed at promoting urban modernization, city clusters, eco-cities, rural urbanization, higher urbanization quality and levels, scientific development, high efficiency, comprehensive functions, friendly environment, harmonious society, distinctive characteristics, rural-urban integration, and coordinated development of small cities and towns.
Chapter 1
History, Reality and Features
Introduction: China--The Navigator in the Fourth Global Wave of ~Irbanization
Section One: The Course of China's Urbanization
Section Two: China's Urbanization
Section Three: China's Urbanization Features
Chapter 2
Achievements, Problems and Transformation
Section One: Major Achievements
Section Two: Exstiug Problems
Section Three: Transformation
Chapter 3
Paths, Methods and Models
Section One: China's Path to Urbanization
Section Two: China's Methods for Promoting Urbanization
Section Three: China's Urbanization Models
Chapter 4
Meaning, Essence and Focus of the New-Type Urbanization
Section One: Strategic Meaning of the New-Type Urbanization
Section Two: Essence of New-Type Urbanization
Section Three: Strategic Focuses of New-Type Urbanization
Chapter 5
Framework, Approaches and Practices of New-Type Urbanization
Section One: Principles and Features
Section Two: Approaches and Strategies
Section Three: Explorations and Practices