由牛顿(Lisa H. Newton)等人编的《立场(辩证思维训练企业伦理篇第13版)》选取社会各方面热门话题,从资本运营、企业管理、相关政策、社会效应、伦理道德等方面进行正反两方面的讨论,提供了源自报刊、杂志、学术刊物等对同一问题进行正反两方面论证的文章,培养对于同一观点的辩证思维能力和论辩技巧。
导读 英语思辨,攻错他山 朱绩崧
Topic Guide
Issue 1. Can Capitalism Lead to Human Happiness?
Issue 2. Is Risk the Best Theory for Capitalism?
Issue 3. Can Ethics Codes Build “True” Corporate Ethics?
Issue 4. Was the Financial Industry Responsible for the Economic Meltdown of 2008?
Issue 5. Does Blowing the Whistle Violate Company Loyalty?
Issue 6. Is Employer Monitoring of Employee Social Media Justified?
Issue 7. Is CEO Compensation Justified by Performance?
Issue 8. Should Advertising Directed at Children Be Restricted?
Issue 9. Should We Require Labeling for Genetically Modified Food?
Issue 10. Should Patenting Genes Be Understood as Unethical?
Contributors to This Volume