1. Introduction
1.1 Fundamental Forces
1.1.1 The Gravitational Force
1.1.2 The Weak Nuclear Force
1.1.3 The Electromagnetic Force
1.1.4 The Strong Nuclear Force 4
1.2 Relative Strength of Four Fundamental Forces
1.3 Range of the Three Basic Forces
1.4 Classi_cation of Matter
1.5 Strong Color Charges
1.6 Fundamental Role of \\Charges" in the Uni_cation of Forces
1.7 Strong Quark-Quark Force
1.8 Grand Uni_cation
1.9 Units and Notation
1.10 Problems
1.11 References
2. Scattering and Particle Interaction
2.1 Introduction 23
2.2 Kinematics of a Scattering Process
2.3 Interaction Picture
2.4 Scattering Matrix (S-Matrix)
2.5 Phase Space 36
2.6 Examples
2.6.1 Two-body Scattering
2.6.2 Three-body Decay
2.7 Electromagnetic Interaction
2.8 Weak Interaction
2.9 Hadronic Cross-section
2.10 Problems
2.11 References
3. Space-Time Symmetries
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Rotation and SO(3) Group
3.1.2 Translation
3.1.3 Lorentz Group
3.2 Invariance Principle
3.2.1 U Continuous
3.2.2 U is Discrete (e.g. Space Reection)
3.3 Parity
3.4 Intrinsic Parity
3.4.1 Intrinsic Parity of Pion
3.5 Parity Constraints on S-Matrix for Hadronic Reactions
3.5.1 Scattering of Spin 0 Particles on Spin 1/2 Particles
3.5.2 Decay of a Spin 0+ Particle into Three Spinless Particles Each Having Odd Parity
3.6 Time Reversal
3.6.1 Unitarity
3.6.2 Reciprocity Relation
3.7 Applications
3.7.1 Detailed Balance Principle
3.8 Unitarity Constraints
3.8.1 Two-Particle Partial Wave Unitarity
3.9 Problems
3.10 References
4. Internal Symmetries
5. Unitary Groups and SU(3)
6. SU(6) and Quark Model
7. Color, Gauge Principle and Quantum Chromodynamics
8. Heavy Flavors
9. Heavy Quark E_ective Theory
10. Weak Interaction
11. Properties of Weak Hadronic Currents and Chiral Symmetry
12. Neutrino
13. Electroweak Unificatio
14. Deep Inelastic Scattering
15. Weak Decays of Heavy Flavors
16. Particle Mixing and CP-Violation
17. Grand Uni_cation, Supersymmetry and Strings
18. Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Appendix A Quantum Field Theory