During the second decade of the 21st century,China has entered a new historic stage in its economic development that brings with it new strategic opportunities。After experiencing thirty years of rapid economic expansion,China then successfully weathered the recent global financial and economic crisis。
Its economy is now stepping into a new growth stage as the overall global economy remains fluid and complex。Why has China been able to adjust successfully to this rapidly changing environment?And what will its economic reforms and transformation Lead to in the future?Here,in Foreign Languages Gress's《变局与突破(英文版)》,you will find the answers。
Mode of Development
Wu 3ingUan Top-Level Designs Axe Needed for Reform
Li Zuojun The Chinese Economy:Transforming in Development
Liu Yingqiu From a Large Economy to a Great Economic Power
Guo Zitin How Will China Carry Out Its Economic Transition in the Future
Paul Kutasovic&
Panos Mourdoukoutas China’S Economic Transformation in the Post—Bubble Economy
Market Economy
LiYining Expanding Domestic Demand
FanGangChina’SRe form Still HasGreat Potential
ZhangWeiying China Has GreatMarketPotential
Wang Zhenzhong Activeand Steady Promotion of Urbanization
GuShengzu Consolidating the RealEconomy
LiZhou New Trends of Developmentin Agricultureand Rural Areas
Chert Yongjie Private Economy Has ChangedChina-
A review and ouflook of China’S private economy
Distribution System
Ca/3iming Changes ofthe Distribution System of China
Mao Yushi Increasingly Create Wealth,Reasonably Distribute Wealth
3ia Kang Adjustment ofWealth Distribution
Hu Angang How Does China Cross the“Middle Income Trap”?
Ba Shusong The Internationalization of the RMB
Li Yang China’S Banking Sector Grows with the Reform
Cao Fengqi China’S Capital Market Reform
Zhao Xiao Structural Tax Reduction Supports Sustained Economic Growth
Global Perspertives
Li Daokui Global Governance and China’S Responsibilities
Liu Wei Post-Financial Crisis Comparison between China and theUnited States
Scott Liu China’S Economy after the Financial Crisis Burst
30hn Ruttedge A Thermodynamic Perspective on China and Global Economy
Pieter BotteUer China’S Economy:0n Track,But Challenges Abound