There's a serial killer on the loose, working his way through the alphabet and the whole country is in a state of panic.
A is for Mrs Ascher in Andover, B is for Betty Barnard in Bexhill, C is for Sir Carmichael Clarke in Churston. With each murder, the killer is getting more confident - but leaving a trail of deliberate clues to taunt the proud Hercule Poirot might jUSt prove to be the first, and fatal mistake...
1 The Letter
2 Not from Captain Hastings" Personal Narrative
3 Andover
4 Mrs Ascher
5 MaryDrower
6 The Scene of the Crime
7 Mr Partridge and Mr Riddell
8 The Second Letter
9 The BexhiU-on-Sea Murder
10 TheBarnards
11 Megan Barnard
12 Donald Fraser
13 A Conference
14 The Third Letter
15 Sir Carmichael Clarke
16 Not from Captain Hastings" Personal Narrative
17 Marking Time
18 Poirot Makes a Speech
19 By Way of Sweden
20 Lady Clarke
21 Description of a Murderer
22 Not from Captain Hastings' Personal Narrative
23 September llth. Doncaster
24 Not from Captain Hastings' Personal Narrative
25 Not from Captain Hastings' Personal Narrative
26 Not from Captain Hastings' Personal Narrative
27 The Doncaster Murder
28 Not from Captain Hastings' Personal Narrative
29 At Scotland Yard
30 Not from Captain Hastings' Personal Narrative
31 Hercule Poirot Asks Questions
32 And Catch a Fox
33 Alexander Bonaparte Cust
34 Poirot Explains
35 Finale