Chapter 1. Rings and Modules
1. Preliminaries
2. Projective modules
3. Injective modules
4. Semi-simple rings
5. Hereditary rings
6. Semi-hereditary rings
7. Noetherian rings
Chapter 2. Additive Functors
I. Definitions
2. Examples
3. Operators
4. Preservation of exactness
5. Composite functors
6. Change of rings
Chapter 3. Satellites
1. Definition of satellites
2. Connecting homomorphisms
3. Half exact functors
4. Connected sequence of functors
5. Axiomatic description of satellites
6. Composite functors
7. Several variables
Chapter 4. Homology
1. Modules with differentiation
2. The ring of dual numbers
3. Graded modules, complexes
4. Double gradings and complexes
5. Functors of complexes
6. The homomorphism
7. The homomorphism (continuation)
8. Kiinneth relations
Chapter 5. Derived Functors
1. Complexes over modules; resolutions
2. Resolutions of sequences
3. Definition of derived functors
4. Connecting homomorphisms
5. The functors ROT and LoT
6. Comparison with satellites
7. Computational devices
8. Partial derived functors
9. Sums, products, limits
10. The sequence of a map
Chapter 6. Derived Functors of and Hom
1. The functors Tor and Ext
2. Dimension of modules and rings
3. Kiinneth relations
4. Change of rings
5. Duality homomorphisms
Chapter 7. Integral Domains
1. Generalities
2. The field of quotients
3. Inversible ideals
4. Priifer rings
5. Dedekind rings
6. Abelian groups
7. A description of Tort (A,C)
Chapter 8. Augmented Rings
1. Homology and cohomology o'f an augmented ring
2. Examples
3. Change of rings
Chapter 9. Associative Algebras
Chapter 10. Supplemented Algebras
Chapter 11. Products
Chapter 12. Finite Groups
Chapter 13. Lie Algebras
Chapter 14. Extensions
Chapter 15. Spectral Sequences
Chapter 16. Applications of Spectral Sequences
Chapter 17. Hyperhomology
Appendix: Exact categories, by David A. Buchsbaum
List of Symbols
Index of Terminology